Issue 140

April 2016

UFC middleweight Roan Carneiro loves some international flavor with his Brazilian staples.

Q. Name the five must-haves in your fight camp diet.

A. I have to eat tapioca, eggs and cheese. My drinks are green tea and wine. I gorge on Tapioca and Nutella. I really like Nutella chocolate spread, I can’t get enough.

Q. Do you keep anything other than frozen peas in your freezer?

A. I’ll have a turkey from time to time and I like all kinds of ice cream. 

Q. What’s your specialty?

A. My signature dish is any kind of pasta.

Q. What clean food do you eat?

A. I like quinoa pasta and turkey during fight camp.

Q. What meal do you eat after the weigh in?

A. I don’t know about a meal but I drink Pure Brazilian Coconut Water. 

Q. What do you look forward to most after a fight?

A. Fast food. Fat food. My favorite is Brazilian barbecue, of course.

Q. What are your favorite meals?

A. I would have to say my three favorite meals are Pure Brazilian Coconut Water, cheese, brown rice, Brazilian barbecue, sushi and pho.



This Vietnamese soup is a blend of broth, rice noodles, herbs and meat, usually beef. If it’s freshly prepared with the right ingredients it’s low in fat and contains several key vitamins and minerals.


Nutella is a delicious Italian sweetened hazelnut cocoa spread, but a guilty pleasure. An ounce contains 151 calories!


Tapioca is a Brazilian staple, but has little nutritional value. A single cup of dry pearls has a huge 135g carbs. 


One 13.5oz serving of Pure Brazilian Coconut Water carries 826mg of the electrolyte potassium, which combined with sodium will help replenish your reserves after a 

weight cut.
