Issue 132
September 2015
Bellator’s lightweight contender loves listening to metal, but sometimes he just has to Shake It Off.
What was your first car? How much did you pay for it?
“My first car was a 1987 Toyota Tercel. We got it for like $700. The reverse didn’t work so I always had to find a parking spot that I could drive through so I could nose out. I didn’t keep that one for terribly long but it did get me around for a while.”
What car do you drive now?
“I have a 2008 Volkswagen GTI. I love that thing. If I had my way I would never get another car. My wife doesn’t love it though.”
If you could drive any car what would it be?
“I love my Volkswagen. I’ve always been a Volkswagen guy. After that first Tercel I got a Jetta. Then I got a newer Jetta. Then I got a GTI. I would drive that forever. Maybe if I was feeling fancy I might upgrade to an Audi. That’s my style car-wise.”
How would you describe your personal style?
“You mean putting clothes on? I wear T-shirts, jeans and Chuck Taylors.”
If you were to go out to dinner here in Vegas how would you dress?
“I’d put on a shirt with buttons and a decent pair of pants. For the rare special occasion, like my wedding or perhaps the Fighters Only World MMA Awards, I will get dressed up in a suit. I clean up OK and it’s fun to do that once in a while but I can’t be bothered to do that on a regular basis. I work in a gym and take two showers a day and sweat all the time.”
Is there a certain genre of music you gravitate toward more than others?
“I go through phases but I always periodically come back to going on a good metal kick. Once in a while I’m in the mood for hip hop. Since I’ve been with my wife – she’s in to a lot of indie rock – she‘s broadened my horizons out into some different music. I’m not super picky but typically if I’m in the car by myself I’m listening to metal.”
Any particular metal band?
“My favorite since high school has been Tool. In recent years I’ve got into Lamb of God and The Haunted. Some angrier, noisier stuff.”
Has your taste in music changed over the years?
“It fluctuates and evolves over the seasons, depending on what the weather is like or what kind of mood I’m in. It varies all the time.”
If you could walk out to one song for the rest of your career, what would it be?
“I’ve been on a good run the last few fights walking out to Clutch’s Electric Worry. I think I would just stick with that.”
If we got our hands on your iPod or laptop would we find some guilty pleasure tracks?
“I don’t know what I want to cop to here but I catch myself singing along to all kinds of terrible stuff, even freaking Taylor Swift on the radio sometimes. You don’t even realize you’re doing it. I can be suckered into a good pop song from time to time.”
What movies do you enjoy most?
“I like a little bit of everything. Growing up a nerd I’m a sucker for a good comic book movie. It’s been fun to see those take off over the past several years. I like action movies, they’re always fun. I don’t really do horror movies. That’s usually not my pick. I do see a lot of the animated movies with my wife, all the Disney Pixar stuff.”
If there was a movie made about your life who would play you? Maybe Randy Couture (Ryan’s dad)?
“(Laughs) I guess if it was set in the future.”
If you could punch any actor in the face who would it be?
“Has Kanye West been on TV enough for me to want to punch him? Either way, I’ll go with him.”
What was the last movie you watched?
“Horrible Bosses 2. That was a lot of funnier than I thought it would be. I had high expectations for the first one and it was good, but not great. So this one I had lower expectations and it was pretty good. I have a tendency to want to like everything so if I go not expecting to have my mind blown it will be OK.”
Is there a particular TV show or series you’re watching at the moment?
“I’m a nerd at heart so I’ve been really excited to watch Gotham and The Flash. I’m enjoying both of those series a lot. Especially them bringing back The Flash to TV. The 90s version of The Flash was my favorite thing ever as a kid. I like American Horror Story and It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia is the funniest show on TV. Breaking Bad was amazing too. I was way behind getting to that but I binge watched it all last year. I also love Parks and Recreation. If I could be anyone when I grow up it would probably be Ron Swanson.”
Do you watch any other sports on TV other than combat ones?
“I barely make it a habit of keeping up with my own sport, let alone following other sports. If I happen to be sitting around I will watch a football game, especially if I’m with people who are really into it. I have some close pals who are big Green Bay fans so I’ll watch the Packers with them. I watch the Seahawks with friends and family from back home. That’s fun because they get into it. One of my best friends is a huge Patriots fan. I also like watching soccer when it’s on. I’ll watch hockey as well. I like a lot of sports, I just don’t go to the trouble of keeping up with them.”