Issue 133

October 2015

Gem State heavyweight Jared Rosholt is fueled by ribeye – and gummy bears

Q What are the essential things you must have in your fridge?

A I’ve always got to have some fruit around and it doesn’t matter what type. I’ll eat pretty much anything, I’m a heavyweight for a reason (laughs). During fight camp, I have to have some gummy bears... I need to have something sweet because I’m eating much cleaner. Other than that, I eat pretty clean.

Q What do you like to gorge on?

A When I’m in camp, a lot of salads. I also eat a lot of rice and vegetables. Outside of training camp, I’m a steak and potato guy. I’m a huge ribeye fan and I’ll eat the biggest pizza I can find. I love fried potatoes too, and that’s not healthy at all, but it’s probably my favorite thing to eat.

Q Do you eat cheat meals often? 

A During the week I don’t, but on the weekend I’ll usually have one. That will usually be some kind of steak or a barbecue. It’s crazy what you can do when you’re eating clean. When I was in college, I was on a ramen noodle diet because I was poor. I couldn’t afford to eat healthy so I never really knew what it was like to perform off clean fuel. Now that I do, I feel so much better during fight week. If I have a cheat meal outside of fight camp I really feel it.

Q What’s your signature dish? 

A I’d like to think I can make a really good steak. I also do a lot of barbecue food on my grill so I feel like I can cook any type of protein pretty well. 

Q What dessert do you enjoy the most?

A I like any kind of fruit pie, but definitely cheesecake is my number-one choice.

Q What type of food do you eat after the weigh-ins? 

A Usually I eat some kind of fish or chicken. I’m really lucky because whenever we go away on fight trips I can go eat wherever I want as long as I keep it clean.

Q What nationality of food do you enjoy eating the most?

A Growing up, my favorite food was spaghetti so I like Italian food. I like Chinese food too. I’m 245lb for a reason: I eat everything.


Gummy bears

Fat-free and lower in calories than most candy, they’re also almost all sugar


Heavy hitters need plenty of protein to pack a punch. Rosholt’s favorite 16oz ribeye has a whopping 79g.


Eating fish like salmon and tuna after weigh-in is smart because of their energy-boosting minerals. 


The FDA says an adult should have no more than 2,300mg salt per day. One pack of Top Ramen noodles contains 1,820mg.
