Issue 131

August 2015

The British UFC featherweight up-and-comer likes his shorts to be like his fights – short.


“The pad gloves I have are Rival, and the sparring gloves are Winning. The pad gloves are 10oz and my sparring gloves are 14oz. I’ve had sparring gloves in the past and after a few good spars they went really soft, but the Winning gloves keep their quality and keep all their shape. I’ve had some really good spars with them and they’ve not changed at all.”


“When I spar I have Sandee shin pads. I’ve had some different ones in the past and some move around my leg, but the Sandee ones are good quality and the guard goes all the way round to the back. They’ve got good Velcro that catches on and doesn’t cut your leg. They’re good quality.”


“My head gear is Winning – same as my sparring gloves. It fits perfectly, it’s not too hard and doesn’t hurt your head. It’s a clip as well, not Velcro, so it doesn’t scratch you­r face. It’s good quality. I’ve had some good spars with it. It’s still like brand new.”


“I wear a Revgear rash guard because they’re not too tight and not too baggy – they’re just perfect. They don’t get really soaked and wet and slippy. They keep their grip. They’re good.”


“I have Revgear shorts. I cut them, I don’t know why but I don’t like having long shorts. I always cut my shorts or I’ll just wear some normal shorts from home or whatever. They don’t fray, they’re really good; s**t hot. They cut perfect. They’re the best shorts I’ve got, actually.”


“I’ve always got a pair of Smuggling Duds. I’ve got the full collection, but my best ones are the UK ones.”


“My supplements are from a new brand called NoLimits Supplements. They’re really good. I just started taking them and I’m recovering great. They have a pre-workout, aminos, a meal replacement and they have a protein shot kind of thing – it’s just one scoop with 100ml of water. I think it’s 24g (of protein) so it’s really good if you’re on the go.” 
