Issue 130

July 2015

From the favelas of Rio to the BJJ mats of SoCal, the grappling guru turned internet phenom gives Fighters Only a rare insight into his incredible celebrity life.

Whether he’s rolling with Ronda Rousey, sparring with Chris Weidman or duking it out with old adversary Vinny Magalhaes, one thing’s for sure: Renato Laranja may be the greatest BJJ black belt (with 10 stripes) to never to set foot in the Octagon.

As his Twitter profile invites: “If you don’t know, you better ask somebody.”

The self-proclaimed ‘27-time BJJ world champion’ has become one of the most iconic figures in the sport due to his hit viral chat show, named after himself, obviously. Forget about friend of the stars, Laranja is a star and his guests – the great and good of the sport, no less – know that only too well.

In a rare interview with the unique star of the screen BJJ scene, Fighters Only turned the mic back on the gregarious grappling guru and discovered a man’s man; one who’s 50% mentor, 50% master and another 50% remarkable... 

Q. As a ‘27-time BJJ world champion’ you’re more than comfortable in a gi, but have you ever considered setting foot in the cage to compete in MMA?

A. “Considered? I was fight unsanction’ vale tudo in Hio when you was just a gleam in you dad’s balls.”

Q. Recent videos have surfaced of you giving pep talks to both Leonard Garcia and Tony Ferguson. Are there any other fighters you’re currently working with?

A. “I’m work with a lot’a guys hight now. Ben Saunders, Alan Jouban, Tyron Woodley, Al Jarreau. The list go on. But it’s not so much about who I’m trainy, as it is how I’m trainy. 

“I’m incorporate elements of jiu-jitsu, full-contact capoeira and modern dance. I like to stage the whole area and play some Halph Tresvant or Johnny Gill before we train. I’m also make my own incense.”

Q. You’ve had an ongoing rivalry with fellow BJJ competitor Vinny Magalhaes for some time; how did the beef start and are the things you say about his mother true?

A. “I wouldn’t call it a ‘rivalry’ so much as it’s an out of shape, fat person who is try to hide on my coat tails. I don’t even hemember how the beef was get started but I got a good idea how it’s gonna get finish. And yes, the stuffs about his mom is true.”

Q. You’re very familiar with both Ronda Rousey and Cris Cyborg; how do you see a potential super-fight between the two women going down?

A. “I see Honda and Chris like two emotional gatinhas in there fighting for my affections, neither one of them knowing who I’m gonna choose. Kind of like The Bachelor, or For The Love Of Hay J.”

Q. You’ve been very vocal with your stance on marijuana, so how would you fix the drug problems in MMA?

A. “If you smoke marijuana it’s gonna make you listen to heggae music and also jazz. Don’t do that stuffs.”

Q. If you could choose one person (fighter or non) to face in a submission-only match at Metamoris, who would it be?

A. “I wouldn’t mind to face Eva Mendes. I’d finish her in deep full guard.”

?Q. Your online TV show has proven to be a big hit, but do you have any other upcoming projects our readers should look out for?

A. “Yes, The Renato Laranja Show is incredible. You can even watch it on YouTube now. I’ve also just team up with Newaza Apparel to create an exclusive line of Renato inspired hashguards, leggings and T-shirts... You welcome.”

Q. You often recreate famous movie scenes with your guests, and Kenny Florian and yourself were spectacular as Robert DeNiro and Al Pacino in Heat. To what do you owe your on-screen chemistry?

A. “It’s called ‘chops’. Some people just got that certain somethings. It’s hard to take you eyes off us. It’s like you was watching a young Harry Belafonte and Woody Allen up there... My baby brown eyes were made for the big screen.”

Q. Back to your fighting days, have you ever been submitted in a jiu-jitsu match?

A. “Not that I can hecall.”

Q. Are there any humanitarian causes you feel strongly about?

A. “Yes. I’m very active in the fight against combination skin, or ‘CS’. A lot’a people don’t know that I’ve struggle with this condition my whole life. Some part of my face is get dry and then some part is get oily. I don’t allow it to define me though. I may have CS, but CS don’t have ME.”

Q. Finally, speaking with all your fight experience and knowledge, who is your favorite MMA fighter, past or present?

A. “Keith Hackney.”
