Issue 124

January 2015

The leading UFC middleweight contender talks fighting, traveling, his love for the fairer sex and that Ken-doll resemblance

Q. Best inspiration to fight?

A. “My inspiration is that I get to live my dream. I have the opportunity to travel the world. I went to Berlin earlier this year and from there I flew to Vegas for two weeks to coach on The Ultimate Fighter with Cain (Velasquez) and to be the token white guy on the Latin show. I love fighting and I don’t want this to stop. It’s an amazing ride.”

Q. What’s the best thing nobody knows about you?

A. “The fact nobody knows about it is the best thing... Let’s leave it at that!”

Q. Best advice you could give to a younger you?

A. “I don’t like to live with regrets. That’s one thing I pride myself on. Life is life and everything happens for a reason. There are certain things I would say but I don’t know if it’s not appropriate, I’m trying to be politically correct.”

Q. Best thing you have done while working for the UFC?

A. “Traveling to Colombia was pretty amazing. The travel is great but I think fighting is the biggest reward… and a bonus check along the way is always nice, too.”

Q. Which feels best, a knockout or submission victory?

A. “Nothing feels better than a liver kick. It’s especially great because your opponent is so conscious of what’s going on, but there’s nothing they can do about it. They’re paralyzed. They have to give up. It’s kind of funny. It’s temporary yet embarrassing at the same time. What can I say, I get a kick out of embarrassing my opponents. I’m not going to lie.” 

Q. Best opponent so far?

A. “I would have to say ‘Jacaré’ Souza. I looked up to him and to beat him and win the Strikeforce middleweight title at the same time was amazing. It was the only time I cried inside the cage. I had to let it out.”

Q. Best way to get prepared right before the walkout to a fight?

A. “I realized during the last couple of fights that I’ve found a mind-set, for me, that’s all about relaxation. Just a complete calmness and relaxation. I just let the fight play itself out. I don’t rush or press anything. I used to get emotional and go kill the guy or look too hard for the first exchange. I just naturally relax and figured out how to fight better.”

Q. Best trash talk in MMA?

A. “The best trash talk hands down is the man, the myth, the legend – Chael P. Sonnen.”

Q. Best movie star resemblance?

A. “I’ve had a couple bad ones, that’s for sure. ‘DC’ (Daniel Cormier) keeps trying to call me Mel Gibson. I also get the Ken-doll reference a lot – the character from the Toy Story 3 movie. They tried to brand me with the ‘Ken Doll’ nickname but I shot that one down pretty early (laughs).”

Q. Best three dinner guests?

A. “Eva Mendes, Rihanna and Shakira. Let’s take them all.”

Q. Best advice you’ve received?

A. “Just be yourself. That’s the key. Don’t try to cover up who you are if you’re trying to be too loud, too quiet or too humble. A lot of people try to tell you how to live your life, especially in the game, in the spotlight. It’s all about being yourself. That and everything in moderation.”

Q. Best guilty pleasure?

A. “Anything with bacon on it. Bacon with bacon served on a bed of bacon.”

Q. Best lesson life has handed you?

A. “I would say to live life with no regrets and to enjoy every step of it. Everything happens for a reason and you should better yourself from every experience in life.”
