Issue 123

December 2014

The Pride pioneer recalls how he had to battle his sweet tooth and his opponents during his Pride heyday

What were the key must-haves that you had in your fridge when you were competing in Pride?

“Honestly, I didn’t have too much in my fridge when I was competing that I considered to be essential. I did enjoy having rice as a part of my diet though. When I would diet for my fights I would take out all the food that could make me train worse or not perform to the best of my ability. As much as I enjoyed sweets I had to keep them out of my diet. So definitely rice but not candy or soda (laughs).”

What type of desserts would you have to stay away from? What were your favorites to eat?

“I was a big fan of chocolate ice cream cake. However, I don’t think I could pick my favorite as I enjoyed so many. Also, I was training so hard all the time that I only wanted to put things in my body that it could use. I enjoy the idea of making sacrifices so taking it out of my diet was good for me.”

What was your favorite bottled sauce?

“You know, it’s pretty bad, but I’ve always been a fan of mayonnaise. I know it’s terrible but I love putting it on food. It’s so bad it’s good.”

What is your signature dish?

“I really enjoy cooking sukiyaki. It’s a Japanese fried meat dish. It has beef, eggs, clams all mixed in. It’s pretty healthy because there are a lot of vegetables like cabbage in it, but it’s also kind of unhealthy because it’s fried. Before my fights I would stay away from it because I know red meat is much harder to process.”

What would you have after you would weigh-in for a fight?

“I would usually have pasta or spaghetti. Probably a rice dish or something like that. I wanted something with carbs that would give me energy before I fought.”

With all the nutritional information we have now are there any changes you would’ve made to your diet if you were still competing?

“I would’ve definitely chosen my meals better. For example, right now, I’m currently doing the blood-type diet and that’s working well for me. It basically tells you what foods match with my body type. Judging by my blood type I would’ve incorporated a lot more chicken into my diet instead of beef.”

Which nationality of food is your favorite?

“I’d say Japanese food is my favorite. I really like the quality of meat available in Japan, especially the beef. The rice that they have here is also pretty great too.”


"Chocolate ice cream cake."


"Badly made Japanese food."


Pepsi or Coke? Coke

Milk or beer? Milk

Coffee or tea? Coffee

Marj’ or butter? Butter

Salt or pepper? Salt

Brown or white rice? White rice

Pasta or white bread? White bread

Sweet or savory? Sweet

Missus or mom’s cooking? Mom's cooking

the INFO...

Pasta is high in carbohydrate for long-lasting energy. Ideal for that 10-minute 

first round.

the FACTS...

Cabbage has a high amount of singrin inside, which is fantastic for preventing cancer.

the STATS...

There is an incredible 30g of protein inside 100g of chicken breast.
