Issue 122

December 2014

Fight camp fuel from inside the ice-boxes of champions 

We catch the ‘Caveman’ Bellator lightweight gorging outside of fight camp

Q. Name the leading five must-haves in your ice-box?

A. “Four 40oz bottles of Mickey’s – and one giant microwave pizza.”

Q. What do you gorge on?

A. “Honestly? Everything when I’m not fighting. I smash ice cream like crazy. We kill pizza too.” 

Q. What do you cheat with?

A. “Even during training camp we have ‘one-beer Wednesdays.’ We stop two or three weeks out, but yeah, we still do that as a cheat. But otherwise, pork rinds, man. They are low carb, nice and crunchy and tasty. Spicy and hot pork rinds.”

Q. Do you keep anything other than frozen peas in your freezer?

A. “Bottles of whip cream vodka and daiquiris for the ladies.”

Q. What is your favorite bottled sauce?

A. “Sriracha. We mix Sriracha with vinegar to make salad dressing. It’s the bomb. You are welcome. Half Sriracha and half vinegar. People don’t know this but you can take the top off a universal hair spray bottle and put it on the Sriracha bottle and spray Sriracha on everything. You are welcome for that one, too.”

Q. What dessert do you enjoy?

A. “Ice cream or cheesecake or cheesecake ice cream, if they have it.”

Q. What is your own signature dish?

A. “Fried chicken. I fry a chicken like you wouldn’t believe.” 

Q. What is your favorite meal during fight camp?

A. “Everything tastes good during fight camp. Anything I can get my hands on is my favorite meal. Fight camp or not I have to have some crab rangoon. If someone can get me a low-carb, low-calorie fight camp crab rangoon recipe I will take said person everywhere with me so they can cook it for me.”

Q. What meal do you eat after the weigh-in?

A. “I have a tradition after weigh-ins. If nobody is looking, I drink a beer. We haven’t had beer in weeks, it won’t make or break your conditioning so I always have one beer with my meal after weigh-ins.” 

Q. What food do you look forward to most after a fight?

A. “Crab rangoon. That’s my thing. I will eat 40 of them at one sitting after a fight.”

Q. Which nationality of food is your favorite?

A. “I would definitely have to say Mexican food. I like spicy food.”





the STATS...

Pork rinds are actually quite healthy. They contain zero carbs and a massive 17g of protein.

the FACTS...

Capsaicin, which can be found in hot sauce, can boost your metabolism and endorphins.

the INFO...

Drinking a beer after a workout will help you rehydrate better than Gatorade, says research.


Pepsi or Coke? Coke

Milk or beer? Beer

Coffee or tea? Sweet tea

Marj’ or butter? Butter

Salt or pepper? Both

Chocolate or cheese? Cheese

Brown or white bread? White bread

Pasta or rice? Rice

Sweet or savory? Both

Missus’ or mom’s cooking? Mom's 
