Issue 111

February 2014

The peanut and chocolate addiction haunting the explosive UFC lightweight

Q. Name the leading five must-haves in your ice-box?

“Water, eggs, cheese, Nutella and fruits.”

Q. What do you gorge on?

“Peanut M&M’s. They’re my favorite.”

Q. What do you cheat with?

“Chocolate. I can’t resist chocolate, so I have to be strong when I’m in camp.”

Q. Do you keep anything other than frozen peas in your freezer?

“I like to freeze grapes.”

Q. What is your favorite bottled sauce?

“Four cheese. It’s not a condiment, but a pasta sauce. I could eat it with only bread!” 

Q. What dessert do you enjoy?

“Any dessert that has got chocolate in it.”

Q. What is your own signature dish?

“Cheese and turkey breast omelet. I’m the best at making omelets as they are the only thing I know how to cook.” 

Q. What is your favorite meal during fight camp?

“Whole-wheat spaghetti with a light alfredo sauce, but I am not allowed to eat it too much as it’s so creamy and heavy.” 

Q. What meal do you eat after the weigh-ins?

“Definitely, I have a lot of pasta but without any sauce.” 

Q. What food do you look forward to most after a fight?

“After a fight I look forward to eating some Brazilian barbecue – and, naturally, a lot of Peanut M&M’s.” 

Q. Which nationality of food is your favorite?

“I am Brazilian, so that’s my favorite type of food.” 

Q. Finally, what are your three favorite meals?

A. “Brazilian barbecue, pasta with cheese sauce and there is a restaurant near my home in Florida that has a dish with fried fish, fried calamari, fried shrimp, French fries and rice. I love it.”


“Chocolate and cheese”



the STATS...

Just one cup of whole-wheat spaghetti contains 37g of fight-fueling carbs.

the FACTS...

Grapes are rich in manganese, an ally to the good enzymes in your system.

the INFO...

Chocolate is a proven stress reliever, just what you need before fighting in front of millions.


Pepsi or Coke? Neither

Milk or beer? Beer

Coffee or tea? Tea

Marj’ or butter? Butter

Salt or pepper? Salt

Chocolate or cheese? Both

Brown or white bread? Brown

Pasta or rice? Pasta

Sweet or savory? Sweet

Your wife or mother’s cooking? My wife she is the best
