Issue 097

January 2013

From Johnny Depp to Colin Farrell, dreams of driving a Porsche to shaving off his trademark moustache and his addiction to Gossip Girl – welcome to the wonderful life of charismatic UFC flyweight Ian McCall.


What’s this thing with you and hats?

“I love wearing hats, they really suit my style. I own a leather hat called a ‘mickey.’ It sits perfectly on my head, and it’s traveled the world with me. I also wear a beanie sometimes; it’s just easy to wear and I can throw it on when it’s cold. Also, I apparently look like Colin Farrell when I’m wearing it.”

What about sneakers, you into them?

“I’m Converse all the way. I like leather, high-top Converse sneakers. I have a small collection of them in my house.”

T-shirts; what style are you into?

“I don’t really like things that are around my neck all the time – I get choked for a living, you know (laughs). I like very loose-fitting neck shirts.”

OK, so what’s the deal with the facial hair?

“I’m not going to lie, I would love to shave off the mustache, but it’s become a part of me so I can’t. You know how people say ‘heavy lies the crown,’ well in my case it’s heavy lies the mustache. I’ve been growing it for almost three years now.”

You also have a pretty stellar ink collection too, any theme involved?

“I’m pretty much covered in tattoos. My whole leg is very Japanese-orientated, and I’ve got my hands done too. My chest is pretty tattooed up too to be honest. I’ve got the word ‘Capulet’ written across it. It’s probably my favorite story and movie of all time.”

What about jewelry? 

“I have a lot of rings. I have a sparrow skull, a pinky ring and a bunch of other rings too.”


What was the first car you owned, and how much did it cost?

“I drove a Toyota Tundra, and I’m not sure how much it cost because I didn’t pay for it (laughs).”

What car do you own now and what made you buy it?

“I drive a Toyota Prius, it’s a good family car for me.”

If you could have any car in the world, what would you drive and why?

“It would be a Porsche GT2RS. I’m a Porsche man, and that’s the baddest one on the market.”

If you could pimp out your ride with anything in the world, what would it be?

“I’d pimp out the motor to make it go faster. I don’t want anything too crazy, I just want it to go faster.”


What TV shows have you been watching lately, and what are your favorites?

“Sons of Anarchy is my favorite show at the moment. I don’t have cable right now, but it’s one of the few shows that I download.”

What do you like about Sons of Anarchy?

“It’s very dramatic and fast-paced, and I’ve also become friends with some of the people in the cast. It’s just a good show.”

If you could be in any TV show, past or present, what would it be?

“I’d love to be on Entourage. That would be pretty cool.”

Besides from MMA what is your favorite sport to watch on TV?

“I’d probably say motorcycle racing or rally car racing.”

Are there any TV shows that you’re a fan of which people may not expect from you?

“I love Gossip Girl; it’s such a good show. That show is awesome, my wife got me into it.”


What type of movies do you enjoy?

“Anything by Guy Ritchie. English films are a big thing of mine. I’m also into a lot of drug-related films too. It might be an old druggy habit thing of mine, but I do enjoy a good drug-related film.”

What’s your favorite Guy Ritchie flick?

“I’d say Snatch. It’s an amazing movie.”

If there was a movie made about your life, who would you like to play you and why?

“It would have to be someone like Johnny Depp. He could probably do the drug scenes really well to be honest.”

What was the last movie you watched and what did you think of it?

“I just saw Looper and that was really good. I was a bit skeptical because it’s a film about time travel and there’s been a million movies like that, but it was actually really good.”

Did you notice the little hints at the beginning of the movie?

“I got some of them, I think it all tied together really well.”

If you could punch any actor in the face, who would it be and why?

“I heard Christian Bale is a d**k, so probably him. I heard he’s such an a**hole. I mean, I love his movies, I think he’s a great actor, but the audio of him yelling at people and stuff like that. He needs a good punch in the face.”

What was the last film you cried at?

“The Notebook always gets me teary-eyed, or that film about the dog, Marley & Me I think it’s called.”


What type of music are you into?

“I’ve always been into rock ‘n’ roll, punk rock and metal.”

Have you ever heard of the punk rock band Gallows? They’re pretty awesome.

“When I was in London, I wanted to get a tattoo done by their former singer, Frank Carter. They’re an awesome band.”

Has your music taste changed much?

“I used to be into a lot of hardcore, but now I prefer rock ‘n’ roll and punk rock.”

You came out to an Avenged Sevenfold song recently didn’t you?

“I came out to Nightmare by Avenged Sevenfold. I grew up with those guys and they’re my friends so I want to support their music.”

If you had to walk out to one song for the rest of your life what would it be?

“That’s such a hard question because there are so many songs that I love, but since we’ve been talking about Gallows, let’s say Orchestra of Wolves. That’s a great track.”

What song is your guilty pleasure?

“There’s a song by a group called The Streets called Blinded By The Lights. I used to party to that song a lot.”


Hit shuffle on your ipod and reveal the first five tracks that come up. No cheating

Avenged Sevenfold, Nightmare

“I really love this song. Every time I close my eyes and I think of it, it makes me think of hurting somebody.”

Gallows, Orchestra of Wolves

“It’s just a fantastic song that has an awesome guitar riff to it. Plus, the lyrics are pretty cool too.”

The Black Keys, Lonely Boy

“The video for this is pretty awesome and it’s just a good song in general.”

Bright Eyes, First Day of My Life

“It’s a really beautiful song and it makes me think of my life and all the stuff I’ve been through.”

Kings of Leon, Use Somebody

“This song makes me think of my lovely wife, so that’s why I like it.”
