Issue 097

January 2013

Up your shooting success rate with FO’s favorite fine-tuning regimen


The duck walk will reinforce proper balance and form on your shot entry. You can train it slowly for hip mobility or at speed to develop explosiveness, speed and distance on the shot.

1. Begin in your stance.

2. Level change with a ‘cut-away’ – the lead leg remains in place and the trail leg steps back.

3. Drive off the trail leg and step forward.

4. Slide your lead knee to the mat.

5. Sweep the trail leg around in a semi-circular arc.

6. Slide that knee to the mat and continue the process.


The partner version of the duck walk helps you ascertain the correct range from which to level change, and your own shot distance.

1. Pete (left) and Joel square off.

2. Pete level changes.

3. Pete reaches for Joel’s knee and tags him with an open palm.

4. As Pete shoots in, Joel slides his leg back.

5. Pete switches sides and reaches to Joel’s opposite leg.

6. Joel steps that leg back and the drill repeats.


This drill puts the proper context in place as to when it is appropriate to shoot low, dropping onto the knee.

1. Pete level changes.

2. Pete shoots and Joel blocks with his palms on Pete’s shoulders.

3. Pete knocks Joel’s hands up and shoots lower, dropping onto his knee.

4. Pete slides his trail leg around, turning the corner.

5. Pete goes to Joel’s back.


This solo drill helps to build the balance and hip mobility required to hit the outside trip finish on your takedowns effectively.

1. Pete starts on his lead knee, with his trail leg up.

2. Pete posts his rear hand in front, knuckles on the mat.

3. Pete slides his trail leg around in a broad arc.

4. Pete hooks the posted hand with his leg.

5. Pete posts the other hand in the same way.

6. Pete sweeps his other leg around that hand.

7. Pete repeats on the other side, continuing to travel across the mat.
