Issue 094

November 2012

This is your page to tell us what you think of all things Fighters Only and MMA. Get your feelings off your chest where it really matters – in print! Send us your best pictures with your favorite fighters, or copies of FO, and we’ll print them too. [email protected]

Fighters’ & favorites’ tweets

JOHN MAGUIRE (@MaguireTheOne)

@MissSarahAmelia @ModelWorx I think you should do a issue with a man babe in it for the women & ill do it lol


Getting drinks sent at the gay bar...winning!


I have come to realise the pain of discipline is far less than the pain of regret. #goodnight


Tried to watch Boxing, BORING! Might need to change to UFC/MMA style to draw interest!


Dammit! Why does Rihanna have to know the exact stage my relationships are in with each new single?!

The fans Tweets that caught our eye this month in the online world of @FightersOnly

@Jay_Klake: @FightersOnly when @danawhite retires or gives up his position as UFC Pres, who could possibly replace him? could they have the same success?

@Chr1sMadden: @FightersOnly Great Issue this month, as always! @danhendo is such an awesome human being. Would love to see him with that gold!

@DanPhillips1988: @Sara_McMann Hey Sar, Read your article in @FightersOnly. I admire your determination! All the best with your career! ;-) X

@Odevlin19: @missSarahAmelia just saw her in @FightersOnly and I’m in love, an absolute beauty! #YAWUD

@prestonsnake: @THFEmag bought my first issue last month after long time @FightersOnly buyer very impressed

@Filthy_D: Epic cover shot of @KoreanZombieMMA for this months @FightersOnly!
