Issue 108

December 2013

Fight camp fuel from inside the ice-boxes of champions. ‘The Barbarian’ might brutally maul opponents in the Octagon, but he still has a soft spot for candy.

Name the leading five must-haves in your ice-box?

“I always have eggs, milk, green tea, spinach and Greek yogurt.”

What do you gorge on?

“Everything I eat in the off-season.”

What do you cheat with?

“Sweets: I love anything with frosting.”

Do you keep anything other than frozen peas in your freezer?

“I keep various animals that I’ve shot or caught: elk, deer, trout, turkey. I hate buying meat at the store.”

What is your favorite bottled sauce?

“Worcestershire sauce, for sure. It’s delicious.”

Which dessert do you enjoy?

“I enjoy all desserts. The question is, which dessert don’t I enjoy? Answer: none!”

What is your own signature dish?

“Philly cheese steak-style sandwich made with venison, and stuffed with green peppers.”

What is your favorite meal during fight camp?

“My cheat meals, because I hate strict dieting!”

What meal do you eat after the weigh-in?

“Chicken parmesan with pasta.”

What food do you look forward to most after a fight?

“Something with a huge pile of French fries on the side and swimming in a fancy sauce.”

Which nationality of food is your favorite?

“I like all types of food equally. You name it, I eat it.”

Anything you’ve not tried that you’d quite fancy eating?

“I have never eaten tripe (stomach).”


Stuffed peppers, tacos, lobster


Pre-packaged meat!


Pepsi or Coke? Coke

 Milk or beer? Milk

Coffee or tea? Coffee

Marj’ or butter? Butter

Salt or pepper? Salt

Chocolate or cheese? Chocolate

White or brown bread? Brown

Pasta or rice? Pasta

Sweet or savory? Sweet

Cooking: wife or mother? Mother


A standard variety of Greek around 20% protein – that’s only marginally less than chicken.


Green peppers contain vitamin A in the form of carotenoids as well as vitamins B6, B9 and C, all of which are powerful antioxidants.


As well as containing 50% fewer calories than beef, venison is jam-packed with iron, potassium and omega-3 fatty acids.
