Issue 091

August 2012

When it comes to music, former WEC champ Rob McCullough asks for one thing: a good beat...

What is your favorite style of music?

“Something with a lot of beats. I mean anything, from techno or house music through to metal with all that double bass going on. I’ve got a mixture of everything. I’ve got house music, I’ve got Slayer. My musical taste is all over the place.”

Do you listen to music when you train?

“Always. It depends on the mood, what I listen to, but lately it’s kind of been like lots of electronic stuff, with tons of beats. Things like house, techno, all types of dance music really.”

Do lyrics distract you?

“No, they don’t necessarily distract me. Sometimes I like lyrics. I did the whole Slayer kick for a while and kinda got into it. The whole, ‘Aaaargh!’”

Do you have a signature walkout song?

“I like to mix it up. I’ve walked out to Crystal Method, Get Busy Child. I’ve walked out to Korn, that track, and it goes like, ‘Are you ready?’ I can’t remember the name of it now (Blind), but it’s great. Really gets me pumped.”

Do you have a favorite artist, or favorite song of all time?

“I’m so all over the board with music that my answer to that would change every day. My song choice too… Damn, that’s a question with a ton of answers. Anything that’s hardcore, I’m into it. Whether its rap, techno or metal.”

OK, so let’s say you’re stranded on a desert island. What five albums do you have to have with you?

“Erm, the Black Eyed Peas have come out with some pretty awesome stuff recently. They’ve got some good stuff. I really enjoy the way music is going right now. Artists have to have at least one really good dance track on their albums now, packed with beats, and that’s making for some really great music.”

So do you have a certain type of music you listen to after training? On the way home from practice for instance.

“I’m the type of person that when I make a playlist I absolutely run it into the ground. I think I had the same set of CDs in my car that I played over and over for like five years in a row. People where like, ‘Dude buy some new stuff.’ But it was all stuff that gets you amped. It’s the same type of stuff I listen to in the gym, I guess.”



Marlyn Manson, The Fight Song

“I like to mix it up once and a while, and I guess that’s why this track is on there. It’s got that really strong drive on there that I love.”

Far East Movement, Like a G6 

“This is a song typical of my musical taste, just filled full of beats. It’s pretty smooth.”


“This is off the Greatest Hits album, but I’ve actually got a lot of Korn stuff on here. Korn are So-Cal for sure, and I’m a big fan. I’m actually friends with the guys too.”

Linkin Park, New Divide

“This is the Transformers movie track. I like Linkin Park and I’d be happy to hear this in a club. This is definitely something I would train to.”

Marlyn Manson, The Dope Show

“This has been on my playlist for a long time. It’s great to train to, and I’ve been training to this track for years.”
