Issue 091

August 2012

Develop championship-winning takedown power with these basic yet highly robust moves

There’s not a fighter in mixed martial arts that couldn’t benefit from being more explosive. Even powerhouse contenders like UFC light heavyweight Rashad Evans would happily add even more drive to their double-leg. These drills have been specially assembled to do just that.


This partner drill will increase your shot power. Using a resistance band, have your partner secure you at the waist. Keep the sprints short, you’re only looking to cover about four meters. Start with light resistance and build up.


A fantastic wrestling drill for increasing speed in your level changing and your shooting. Establish your shot range by meeting hands with your partner. The moment you connect with your partner’s hands, clap them up and drive in your shot. You needn’t finish on the mat each time to keep the drill flowing, but be sure to knock their hips back with your hit.


The prowler, a sled often weighted and either pushed or pulled, is a great piece of kit for imitating the drive of a tackle without enduring wear and tear on the neck and shoulders from repeated impacts. Remember to keep the sprints short if your goal is a faster shot. The explosive take-off is the phase we are seeking to develop here.


Start in the push-up position side-by-side with your partner. The aim is to push up, springing off your toes and hands into the air, leaping over them as they roll under you. As soon as they complete their roll they jump back over you with an explosive push-up of their own, while you roll underneath and return to your start position. Be sure to reverse the action and repeat to ensure an even number of reps driving left and right.
