Issue 082

December 2011

Fighting your teammates has become a taboo subject in MMA, so FO stages its own 3x5 question shoot-out

Jackson’s MMA featherweights Cub Swanson and Leonard Garcia go head to head in our Q&A Octagon

Round 1: Around the Octagon

What age did you start training?

Cub Swanson

“I was 19 years old.”

Leonard Garcia

“I started training when I was 18 years old.”

How quick was your fastest knockout?

Cub Swanson

“The quickest was a submission, in under two minutes.” [Armando Sanchez, August 2005]

Leonard Garcia

“A three-second knockout in a shootwrestling competition. It was open-hand striking too.

Toughest opponent faced? 

Cub Swanson

“I’d say Mackens Semerzier, the last guy I fought.”

Leonard Garcia

“‘The Korean Zombie’ [Chan Sung Jung].”

‘Fight of the Night’ or early submission/TKO? 

Cub Swanson

“Fight of the Night. I love it when people come up and say, ‘I loved that fight.’

Leonard Garcia

“Early TKO for sure.”

How many Fight, Sub’ or KO ‘...of the Night’ bonuses have you had? 

Cub Swanson

“I got four ‘Fight of the Night’ awards in the WEC.”

Leonard Garcia

“I’ve had six all together, two ‘Knockout...’ and four ‘Fight of the Night.’ ”

9/10, Garcia races into the lead

Round 2: Personal Life

What car do you drive? 

Cub Swanson

“A Nissan 350z.”

Leonard Garcia

“2007 Corvette.”

Do you have any pets?

Cub Swanson

“No. My fiancé and I split up and she took the cat (laughs)!”

Leonard Garcia

“Several. One of my favorites is Shirley, a miniature colt who likes to ram everyone.”

What is your favorite meal? 

Cub Swanson


Leonard Garcia

“Italian food, anything from the Olive Garden.”

Skimmed milk or ice-cold beer? 

Cub Swanson

“I don’t drink very often but I do occasionally crave a cold beer.”

Leonard Garcia


How many Twitter/Facebook friends have you got? 

Cub Swanson

“Around 2,100 on my Facebook fan page and 5,200 on Twitter.”

Leonard Garcia

“Around 15–20,000 all together.”

9/10, Garcia takes the second round too

Round 3: Have you ever...

… stolen anything from a hotel?

Cub Swanson

“Sure, towels. Oh, and I always take the lotion too.”

Leonard Garcia

“Pillows, towels…”

… dropped food on the floor but ate it anyway? 

Cub Swanson

“Yes, but not since I was a kid.”

Leonard Garcia


… had a crush on a friend’s mother? 

Cub Swanson

“I don’t think any of my friends have too hot moms.”

Leonard Garcia


… been caught with porn? 

Cub Swanson

“Caught? No.”

Leonard Garcia

“Erm, no. I’m not a big porn guy.”

… made your own booze? 

Cub Swanson

“No, but I’ve always wanted to. I’ve looked into it so many times, buying the kit and everything.”

Leonard Garcia


9/10, hot moms give Garcia the edge 

Leonard takes a unanimous points decision

Finally, if you could choose your teammate’s next opponent who would it be?

Cub Swanson

“I’d probably say Ronald McDonald, for making damn good cookies!”

Leonard Garcia

“Bruce Leeroy.”
