Issue 080
October 2011
“I don’t want to be known as just the hot chick that walks around the ring. I want to be the cool chick who likes to paint rock stars and learns to play guitar.”
Brittney Palmer you know just how to melt our hearts
“[Tyson Griffin] usually takes everyone down, but he couldn’t even take me down once. I took him down a couple of times and in the third round I slammed him. So, I really don’t know what the judges are looking at, maybe they were watching porn, I guess, instead of watching the fights.”
TUF veteran and UFC featherweight Manny Gamburyan reveals what the judges really wanted their personal monitors for
“It’s kind of like trickery, basically. If you have any idea about any of the tricks, it’s just not going to work, unless you’re a complete idiot and fall for it. Maybe I should re-phrase it and just say jiu-jitsu doesn’t work on me. As a wrestler I’m going to have to stick with wrestling as the best [foundation], but I really think jiu-jitsu isn’t that great.”
Someone better not tell the Gracies UFC heavyweight Dave Herman is dissing the family business
Credit: Eric Williams www.ericwilliams.LA
“Great dinner with Freddie [Roach] yesterday! Kids were asking for his autograph and completely ignoring me!”
As tweeted by Georges St Pierre – who stamped his feet and made quite a scene about it all
“I’ll have to watch [Jake Ellenberger] fight more so I can make an opinion of him. Personally, I know I don’t like him, but as a fighter, I don’t really have much of an opinion of him yet. I’m not saying he’s not a good fighter. I just find it kind of amusing. This guy apparently has some kind of beef with me for some reason. Maybe I stole one of his girlfriends or something.”
Jake Shields, UFC welterweight Casanova
“Guys will try to argue we deserve more of the money, but I’m like, ‘If you put your name on a marquee and rented out the Mandalay Bay, how many people would show up to watch you fight anybody else? How much money are you going to make?’”
Former UFC heavyweight champ Frank Mir displays a business head some of the UFC’s now-defunct competitors could have utilized
“I don’t look for submissions a lot, I do more of what I call my own fighting style, which is man-beasting. I just concentrate on beating someone up. Man-beasting is minimal technique, but pure intensity, and breaking someone down mentally.”
UFC bantamweight Brad Pickett coins perhaps the greatest descriptor of all time
“I still have a picture of everybody who fought on [the UFC 32] card; we were all in New York City. We were just happy to be fighting. I don’t think cats today can appreciate it. We were fighting just to get the show on the air. Forget about sponsors and bonuses and all that stuff.”
Road warrior Din Thomas reminds today’s golden-boy young guns of the road he and his veteran peers paved