Issue 080
October 2011
Why are smoothies and training such a fine blend? Here’s the juice...
1. Smooth operator
As smoothies are comprised mainly of fruit juice, they’re loaded with antioxidants to ward off any nasties that could leave you feeling ill or down. Drinking smoothies will literally make you feel happier. The better you feel, the harder you train. The harder you train, the more you improve...
2. Samba and smoothies
Although associated with the West Coast of the United States, smoothies actually originated in Brazil. With its tropical climate, the home of BJJ became the home of the smoothie, harvesting a wide selection of fruits to appeal to all palettes. It wasn’t until the 1930s that the US began selling pureed fruit drinks that would eventually become known as the smoothie.
3. Flower power
The name ‘smoothie’ was invented by beatniks in the late ‘60s. While co-founder of Smoothie King, Stephen Kunhau began selling drinks called ‘smoothies’ in the early ‘70s, he admits he “didn’t invent the word smoothie.” He accredits peace-loving hippies to coining the name for a product that is now a multi-billion-dollar industry. Far out man...
4. Take your pick
Made by simply blending fruit (unless you want to add frozen yogurt or ice), smoothies are incredibly versatile. Orange, banana, strawberry, papaya, melon, passion fruit; you name it, you blend it. This makes them great for training as you can modify your smoothie so it has the correct nutrition you require for your workout schedule.
5. Charge it up
The beauty of smoothies is the fact you can add anything edible to them. This means you can load them up with a whole range of supplements such as porridge, whey protein, green tea, soy milk; the list is endless. With all the nutrition from your favorite fruit, plus your daily dose of carbs and protein, you’ll never need to cook again.
6. Fast food
Smoothies are fast food. We’re not talking cheeseburger and fries of course, but they can be blended in seconds with endless possibilities of flavors. Less time cooking means more time training. More time training means more skills when you step in the cage.
7. Take me out
You can take a smoothie anywhere with you. Just pop it in a shaker and you’ve got the perfect drink to go straight down the hatch after a tough training session. As the experts say you only have an hour-long window after training to effectively fuel your body, it’s the ideal way to get those essential post-workout nutrients in time. The quicker your body heals, the quicker you get back to training. The more time training... you know the drill.
8. Cheap 'n' sweet
Fruit isn’t exactly the most expensive food in the world and it’s always available from your local market. You could even hit the green grocers at the right time for reduced prices.
9. Reader's digest
Should you incorporate smoothies into your lifestyle they can do wonders for your digestive system. Blended fruit is pretty much pre-digested, which means your system doesn’t have to work nearly as hard breaking it down. It’ll also absorb into your system much quicker meaning you won’t feel as heavy. This also enables you to eat more should you be wanting to pile on the pounds in hunt of a Brock-like body. They’re also a great source of fiber, which will further aid digestion.
10. Say 'yes' to yogurt
Yogurt-based smoothies contain good bacteria which enhances the immune system. No warrior wants to pull out of a fight feeling sick. Ensure you’re feeling fresh and deadly so you can steam through your division’s elite by topping up your smoothies made with yogurt.
Recipe: The Fighter's Delight
Mango and pineapple are loaded with vitamin C and potassium that are important for proper muscle function and replacing lost electrolytes. Pineapple contains bromelain that reduces inflammation caused from strenuous training.
- 1 cup pineapple juice (juiced separately)
- 1 cup frozen mango pieces
- 1/2 cup low-fat plain yogurt
- 1/2 cup milk of choice
- 1 scoop protein powder
- 1 tbsp flaxseed oil
- Ground nut sprinkles (optional)
If your master mixes are left mis-mashed by your five-a-day fruit blending first, thus clogging up the blade, try adding the liquids at the start to ensure a smoother and sweeter experience.