Issue 081
November 2011
This is your page to tell us what you think of all things Fighters Only and MMA. Get your feelings off your chest where it really matters – in print! Plus, send us your best pictures with your favourite fighters, and with copies of FO, and we’ll print them too.
I seriously can’t believe why Dream, the best Japanese MMA promotion, doesn’t get shown live on HDNet here in North America. I mean, why? Why do we have to watch it two or three weeks after it’s happened? I don’t get it. It can’t be that much more expensive to broadcast it live. I love the heart of Japanese fighters but when I already know the results it almost makes it pointless to watch. I’d understand if other people then didn’t watch it at all, and doesn’t that mean HDNet lose viewers? Surely it would be more appealing to show an event live for a little bit more money but have more people watch it and appease the desires of your viewership. Can anyone help me here?
Greg Pierce, Minnesota
After reading the Big Debate page in the ‘Mayhem’ Miller cover edition (issue 32) I’ve got to say I’m split on whether MMA needs sanctioning in New York to be legitimized. As the UFC has said, they don’t need it but they should be able to go there. They’re right that MMA doesn’t need The Empire State to get bigger, it’s going to do that by itself, but I suppose the question is how much larger could that growth be if there was a UFC event in New York? It’s one of America’s biggest media markets and that means MMA will seriously benefit from any presence. But let’s not forget, mixed martial arts is a worldwide sport. I’d much rather see the UFC get the craze started in places like India, the Philippines or South America. Even if New York did allow MMA, what effect will that have on the world profile of the sport? I’m not the person to answer these questions but they’re worth discussing.
Alex Doan-Whitaker, via email
Fighters Only I have to congratulate you on your ‘Mayhem’ Miller cover. That was seriously awesome. I was cracking up when I went to go pick up my copy at the newsstand. Thanks for making a guy’s day and making me a fan for life.
Cody Albright, via email
CUB SWANSON (@CubSwanson)
The @ufc belt looks so cool! I want one...
DANA WHITE (@danawhite)
Holy shit, Matt Serra weighs 300lb. He is wearing a shirt made by Omar the tent maker!
There’s a good-size frog in my back yard and my four dogs are scared of it. Wow, I need better protection.
NATE QUARRY (@NateRockQuarry)
Just met a man who farms sea cucumbers. I’m jealous.
On my next fight I’m gonna try to remember to bust the Bruce Lee nose scratch when the introduce my name LOL :)
I can’t find my car keys anywhere. My daughter was the last one who touched them. I think she ate them!
The posts that caught our eye this month in the online world of Fighters Only
LouiseCaller: @FightersOnly Hey guys. I was moving house and realized I actually have every issue of Fighters Only and
Train Hard Fight Easy! Big fan! :-)
MurphyInk @mayhemmiller @fightersonly [‘Mayhem’ Miller cover] such a good thing to wake up to, still laughing.
themarksmallman: Would like to thank @FightersOnly for burning out my eyeballs with this month’s [‘Mayhem’ Miller] front cover!
Dyomun: @FightersOnly [Shawn Tompkins’ death] just shows it can happen to anyone. Hopefully he’ll live on through the fighters he helped become great.
pazwar1: @FightersOnly I’m getting some funny looks off the girls at work reading the section on ‘Mayhem’. Thinking to myself I need a pair of those!
jakedanx: Face mask, on! Coffee machine, on! Latest issue of @FightersOnly magazine by my side. Happy days!