Issue 074

November -0001

This issue the fight picks come from some of MMA’s biggest crowd-pleasers

The Fighters

Pat Barry UFC heavyweight striker

Melvin Guillard Resurgent UFC lightweight

Anthony Pettis Acrobatic WEC lightweight champ

 1 Who will win the upcoming Strikeforce heavyweight tournament?

Pat Barry

“I have a feeling that Fedor Emelianenko is going to do it.”

Melvin Guillard

“I don’t know. Who’s in it? I guess maybe Alistair Overeem. I’m a big fan of his.”

Anthony Pettis

“I just did Inside MMA with Josh Barnett, and he looked focused and hungry. I see him possibly taking it. I’d like to see it.”

2 Is TUF 13 coach Brock Lesnar a living legend or a pro-wrestling charlatan?

Pat Barry

“This guy was the UFC heavyweight champion. He goes down as a legend.”

Melvin Guillard

“He’s just a pro wrestler. He’s overrated, and he shouldn’t be a coach on The Ultimate Fighter. That’s a publicity move. He’s going to be the coach because he’s a WWE superstar. He’s not a fighter.”

Anthony Pettis

“I wouldn’t call him a legend yet. He made a good run, and he held the title for a little bit, but I wouldn’t call him a legend. I think he still has a little way to go for that.”

3 What’s the flashiest move you’ve ever pulled off in practice or competition?

Pat Barry

“That jumping knee I threw against Joey Beltran. That was the first knee I’ve ever thrown in my life. In 100 kickboxing matches, I had never thrown a knee before. That was my first one.”

Melvin Guillard

“I don’t know. I don’t know how to beat that Pettis kick. I’m going to have to do a backflip off the cage with a drop knee or something. I’ll figure it out though.”

Anthony Pettis

“In competition, the kick was definitely the flashiest move I’ve pulled off. But in practice, I’ve done some crazy stuff that I think the fans will enjoy seeing soon.”

4 Are fighters’ personal lives becoming too heavily scrutinized?

Pat Barry

“We’re regular people who just have odd jobs. I think people need to know about us outside of the Octagon. A lot of people think we’re just animals that are going to come in with blood and raw meat. We’re regular, everyday people. We just happen to have a job that looks bad.”

Melvin Guillard

“That’s part of being an athlete. You’re an athlete first and a superstar second. Most guys put it the other way around. They want to be superstars, but then they get cut and have no job. If I don’t fight and perform, I might lose my job. It’s like Wall Street. I don’t want to be Gordon Gekko.”

Anthony Pettis

“I think that’s part of being a pro athlete. NBA players, NFL players, they’re always in the spotlight. As this sport grows in popularity, our popularity will grow as well. I think the scrutiny is just part of it.”

5 Will the jab become a staple of MMA gameplans, or was Georges St-Pierre’s performance against Josh Koscheck a one-off?

Pat Barry

“The jab is coming. The jab is the most important punch you can throw, and it’s coming back. I’m going to make sure it comes back. I’m jabbing everybody until they fall down.”

Melvin Guillard

“It wasn’t better than mine. But I think a lot of fighters underestimate the jab. The jab is underrated, but it’s your first line of defense. Honestly, it’s the closest fist to a guy’s face at all times.”

Anthony Pettis

“It’s a very effective punch, especially for fighting a wrestler; if you over-commit with a right hand or a kick, you risk being taken down. In MMA, it’s not really a jab; I call it a straight left. It’s a powerful punch with little gloves on. It’s just a straight left, and Georges did it very well.”
