Issue 074

April 2011

“If I got stomped out in three minutes by a guy who I outweighed by 50lb, I’d think about quitting too.”

Chael Sonnen hits out at Brock Lesnar’s heavyweight title loss to Cain Velasquez. Is anyone safe?

“I don’t know if I will be able to couch my vernacular into something you’ll understand, but can you do me a kindness, Scott? Write my number down on a piece of paper, crumple it up real tight, and shove it up your f**king *ss.”

Bellator’s CEO, Bjorn Rebney, gets a tad irate after Strikeforce adopt Bellator’s tournament strategy

“One day in the gym, Pat [Barry] threw down one of his ninja smoke bombs and made [Matt] Mitrione’s ground game disappear. It hasn’t been seen since.”

Sean McCorkle throws down another bomb of his own

“The very first day that I was in Brock’s camp and I got grabbed by a big guy, that’s when I realized it’s not that I suck at wrestling, and it’s not that I suck at jiu-jitsu, it’s that I’ve been doing it with Anthony Pettis.”

Revelations for UFC heavyweight Pat Barry as he recognizes grappling with a guy who’s 80lb lighter than you isn’t the most testing of feats

“I don’t consider myself a violent person. A violent person to me is someone who fights or kills another person for something stupid without thinking of the repercussions of their actions. I have seen it and I don’t want any part of it.”

With 12 brutal (T)KOs to his name it’s hard to see Thiago Silva’s pacifist nature

“I’ll fight at any weight. I’ll fight at 185lb; I’d like to get paid. Pacquiao’s making $40 f**king million, GSP’s making a couple of million dollars, and I’m over here driving a Honda because my sh*t’s breaking down.”

Money talks, bullsh*t walks for a frustrated Nick Diaz as he responds to criticism regarding his refusal to fight ‘Mayhem’ Miller at 185lb

“I don’t care what pill you take, or what shot, or what new supplement, or what diet you do. There’s only so much of anything that can really ever help you, and the rest of it is whether you’ve got it or you don’t.”

Strikeforce heavyweight tournament participant Josh Barnett’s version of the mantra, ‘The technique works; you don’t’

“St Pierre plays by the rules [to win] all the time because he knows that, once you’re losing, nobody wants to know about you anymore. It’s great to do a great show, but you can’t do both sometimes.”

Lyoto Machida provides an introspective insight into the unrelenting world of showbiz
