Issue 073

March 2011

This is YOUR page to tell us what you think of all things Fighters Only and MMA. Get your feelings off your chest and in their place there could be an FO ‘Flying Knee’ T-shirt! Plus, send us your pictures of you with fighters – and if you can slip a copy of FO into the pic, that’s even more likely to find its way into print. 

The best way to get in touch with us is email so write, including your contact details, to [email protected]

A Few Good Men

I’m a US Navy sailor stationed in Okinawa with my wife and two-year-old son. A few months ago Rich Franklin, Dustin Hazelett and Joe Stevenson visited Okinawa and did a ‘meet and greet’ and gave autographs. It was awesome, of course, and the fans dug it. My fellow MPs and I are always appreciative when fighters take time out of their busy schedule to come and meet with service members. The best thing about it was that the wife and I actually got to talk to the guys, and not just about fighting. We spoke to Joe Stevenson about raising kids and now my wife is a fan. Here’s a crappy pic of all of us. Joe is even supporting my son picking his nose! Love the mag and keep up the great work!

Macthe Ball, Master-at-Arms Second Class, United States Navy, Okinawa, Japan

Band of Brothers

My wife Lisa began writing to you while I was in Afghanistan, showing you guys my wedding cake with Lyoto Machida on (Issue 19), and I wanted to write and let you know how we are doing. I’m on some serious training for what I’d like to be an MMA career, and with my first jiu-jitsu tournament down I got first and third place. I was pretty excited to win, but I was more excited to finally get to show my daughter and wife what I am really capable of. It has also shown my training partners (Chad, Carl, Ken, Lance, Jess and Jesse) those long hours of work have paid off. They’re part of the 82nd Airborne Division Combatives team and will kick ass at any time. Thanks guys, and thanks FO for your support to the troops and my family by publishing our letters.

Victor Reyes, Fort Bragg, NC
