Issue 063

June 2010

The contents of heavyweight fighter Todd Duffee’s kitbag would suggest the Xtreme Couture fighter has got some light fingers!  

Boxing gloves 

I got them from Hayabusa for a photoshoot and they were free, so I use them! [Laughs] Actually they’re 10oz bag gloves I use to hit pads with, I don’t actually have my boxing gloves with me today, but these are by far the best bag gloves I’ve ever seen. I’m a big fan of those. Sparring gloves, those aren’t bad, but I prefer lace-ups.  

Shin pads

Actually those are Carmelo Marrero’s, he left them in my car and he never got them back – sorry about that, Carmelo. I’ve had those since I’ve been in Vegas. Century make some good stuff, I’m actually wearing a Century rash guard. They’re good, I’ve never had an injury with those, and I used to get injured every time I kicked with every shin guard.  

Head guard

I occasionally wear headgear when I’m going with a lefty or something like that – more so that I don’t headbutt anybody. I actually stole that from Forrest! [Laughs] I think everything in there was free except I bought the wrestling shoes for $30.  

Wrestling boots 

I’m trying to phase them out. I started practicing with them today but they were bothering my big toe so I took them off. I like to use them to force yourself to shoot, it gives you that traction instead of thinking ‘Am I going to slip or not?’  


I got a whole gang of stuff. I normally never take what I keep in my bag, I just keep it in there for when I’m on the road or something. I usually take stuff at home before I leave. I’ve got the Gakic, which is the favorite, in there. It’s got 300mg of wonderful caffeine. Cryotest works, believe it or not; I was a little sensitive to it at first, but it gives me extra energy. And the Leukic helps your recovery, which is a good thing in this sport. I’ve got whey protein in there as well. It’s all Muscletech or Six Star stuff. Six Star protein is my favorite by far.  


The bag is a Muscletech bag. It’s the coolest bag I’ve ever had; it’s got like 15 pockets in it. I’ve got everything in there, there’s nothing I don’t have in there. I’ve even got my shower stuff in there. It’s a smaller bag but it’s got loads of compartments where you can keep stuff separate and organized.  


I’ve got both the boil and bite and the fitted in there. The boil and bite is just in case. The fitted is Unbreakable mouthguards out of California – thank you, Hector!  

UFC gloves 

I don’t actually know whose those are, they may have actually been mine. I grapple with them a lot, because your grip changes up when you wear gloves – a lot of people don’t realize that. I’m big on training as realistic as I can – I’m the guy who always takes his shirt off. The gloves are a part of that, just to get used to the grips you are using.  


I’ve got my heart rate monitor in there. I’ve got some Asics shoes that give me a blister every fucking time I run in them.  

Staph cream

I’ve had staph like 15 times. I have a cream in here that’s called Kennedy Industries KS Skin Crème. I put it on about 30 times a week when I’m going with some dirty people like Forrest and those guys.  

Todd Duffee spoke with Gary Alexander
