Issue 061

April 2010

He may be a Green Beret in the US Army, but that doesn’t stop Strikeforce fighter Tim Kennedy from looking good when he’s not in the field. 

What do you wear during the day?  

About half my day is spent wearing military uniform. The rest of the day I’m in workout clothes. I chill in jeans and T-shirt, though if I’m going out for dinner with my wife or to a meeting, then I’ll dress up. Pretty much from 5pm and from Friday to Sunday, I’m looking good.  

How would you describe your dress sense?  

I always like to dress up. Whatever the occasion is, instead of jeans, nice shoes and a T-shirt, I want to wear slacks and a jacket. You can take that and put it anywhere; throwing on a good tweed coat and hanging out, it’s just that much cooler.   

Tell me about some of your favorite items.  

Most of my jackets are custom tailored. Athletes, we’re built almost unlike every single American. You buy a jacket and you’ll be slim around the waist and tight around the shoulders and the sleeves don’t fit! You get the right jacket that you want, then go to your tailor and get it fitted.  

Are you a designer jeans kind of guy?  

Yeah I am. I like comfortable jeans. I bounce between Lucky and Affliction jeans, although I don’t wear them very often. I wear my Lucky jeans more than anything.  

What about footwear?  

I like going old school with the shoes, and now that I’m in Texas, I wear a lot more boots. When I’m not in uniform, I wear cowboy boots a lot, and black Vans. I like Sperry deck shoes, not the leather ones, you’ve got to go cloth; cotton with rubber soles. You can wear them anywhere.  

Do you wear T-shirts?  

I wear a lot of T-shirts, but not standard ones. Things like the Ranger Up Spartan or SPQR designs, so it has some warriors from throughout history. Also the shirts are all athletically cut. I’m sick of buying shirts that are tight around my arms and loose around my waist.    

Accessories / Other Items 

Make sure you wear good socks. There’s nothing wrong with Argyle, it’s the bomb. And it’s OK for men to wear scarves, but don’t tie it like a girl, just wrap it around your neck like a man.  


I’m a gadget guy, although the Bluetooth ear thing, you should be shot if you ever wear that. I have my Blackberry with me all the time; it’s a Blackberry Tour. I have UberTwitter, Facebook, Google Maps, PDF readers installed. I use the phone more for work stuff. I’m probably on Facebook and Twitter on my phone more than any other app.


What don’t you travel without?  

I always travel with my Macbook and my iTouch. Anytime I’m on a plane, I’m usually on my iTouch. 


When I was just a little guy, my Dad and I rebuilt a car, and he gave it to me. My car was a 1954 Henry J. I sold that car and got a Geo Storm. That was the demise of my interest in cars. I realized that I’m a complete retard, so I’m going to own the nicest and biggest house that I can, and drive the crappiest car my pride will let me.


I’m a watch fanatic. Whenever I dress up I’ll always have a nice watch to go with it. Like with my clothes I like to go for a timeless appearance. My favorite is probably a Tag Monaco 69 with a blue face and white hands.  

If I want to dress cool or I’m going out, I wear an Omega Speedmaster 3570.50. It’s the first watch they wore on the moon. On the back it has ‘Approved by NASA’. You have to wind the watch yourself every morning, so it’s old school. These are watches you could probably use as a weapon because they weigh enough. 
