Issue 044

December 2008

Single-leg takedown

1) Pete (blue shorts) has hold of Mike’s (camo shorts) leg, with Mike’s back pressed against the matted wall (substituting for a cage fence in this series).

2) Pete pinches his legs together and begins to circle anti-clockwise. He uses his head (positioned on the inside of Mike’s hip) to disrupt Mike’s balance.

3) Pete continues to circle and drive with his head, pulling Mike away from the wall.

4) As Mike comes away from the wall Pete drives sharply, sending Mike to the floor. From here he can strike or establish position.  

Single-leg to high-crotch lift

1) Mike is attacking Pete with the single-leg.

2) Pete defends by stamping his foot down and placing it on the floor. 

3) Mike squats deep with his back straight…

4) …and stands up, lifting Pete off the floor. 

5) He swings Pete’s hips away from the wall… 

6) …and slams Pete to the mat, landing in side control.   

Single-leg to ankle-pick

1) Pete has the single-leg.

2) He begins to attack for the single-leg takedown as in the first series, but Mike defends by bracing himself against the wall.

3) Pete reaches down and grabs Mike’s ankle as low as he can.

4a) He pulls Mike’s foot up sharply, dropping him to the mat. From here he can punch or pass the guard.

4b) Alternatively, if he cannot pull Mike’s foot off  the floor, Pete drives forward with his shoulder  in the thigh, sending Mike down.     


Drinking a glass of cherry juice a day offers the same health benefits as eating 23 portions of fruit and vegetables, research reveals. It found that 30ml of the juice from Montmorency cherry juice contained more antioxidants than five portions of peas, tomatoes, water melon, carrots, and banana. Something worth considering when planning post fight meals!

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