Issue 042

October 2008

This is YOUR page to tell us what you think of all things Fighters Only and MMA! What do you like?  

What don’t you like? Who do you want to see fight who? Send us your pics of you with fighters - and if you can slip a copy of FO into the pic, even better!  

Write or email in and the most interesting letter gets an FO T-shirt.  


Re: Notes from Ringside, 

Issue 41

I understand that it must be most annoying to have people ask your advice when thinking of doing documentaries on MMA but I think that rather than complain about this in your article you should actually have praised that fact people are showing interest... and you should do everything in your power to help them if you’re sincere in your desire to see this sport become mainstream in this country, and recommending fighters with whom they should look at should be what you are interested in doing. If I were one of those people having read your article, I would think “sod it, why bother if that’s his attitude”.  

You end with the line “I eagerly await the day MMA’s defining documentary hits our screens”. I suggest you recall that to mind next time someone asks you for help, and you don’t feel willing to give it, how many of those people might have done just that had you given your support?

David Duff, via email.

When you’ve dealt with a couple of dozen shoddy researchers and fly-by-night production companies that are all talk, then maybe you’d know how it feels.  

Ban the Muppet at Cage Rage

I’ve just watched the Phil Baroni head butt incident at Cage Rage and was really sickened by it. I hope they ban the Muppet that did it from future shows, I do think they let too many people into the cage at the end, he shouldn’t have been there or the silly screaming blond who wasn’t helping at all. 

On a positive note, Fighters Only is a great mag, which I look forward to receiving every month, hope you can maintain the good work.

Dean Telford, via email. 

While Training

As huge fan of MMA and subscriber to your magazine, I felt it time to drop you a quick message. Not really a moan but merely a suggestion. At my gym, I’m getting a bit sick of some other members not cutting their nails on a regular basis! Any chance you can discuss this in the Training Zone sometime soon? I’m sure I’m not the only one who is a victim of scratching!

Chris Dodd, via email

Good personal hygiene isn’t just a courtesy, it’s necessary. Tell them next time you want to get scratched you’ll roll with Catwoman instead!  

World Domination!

Just been on my hols to Ibiza, and took the latest copy of Fighters Only with me to read whilst relaxing on the beach. I wasn’t too chuffed when a fella from Stoke-on-Trent ‘borrowed’ it and it wasn’t returned! Still, I guess it goes to show that you just can’t keep a good mag to yourself. Keep up the good work, I love the mag.

Nigel Clarke, via email

Sorry you ‘lost’ your copy Nigel! Has anyone else taken their copy on holiday with them, and where to? Send us your snaps, we’d like to see where Fighters Only has been in the world!
