Issue 040
August 2208
In a career plagued by numerous serious injuries and illnesses, UFC and Pride veteran Kevin ‘The Monster’ Randleman has learned to train smart and make use of every tool at his disposal to stay in the mix.
From the protective equipment to the newest technological innovations, the candid brawler uses the best kit available as he trains toward his goal of regaining what he sees as his rightful position in the rankings.
Boxing and MMA sparring gloves
Always looking to avoid serious injury in training, the former wrestling champion takes every precaution. “I use Everlast boxing gloves for stand-up, and MMA sparring gloves on the ground. My partners aren’t trying to knock my head off so it really doesn’t matter, even if they do hurt me it doesn’t matter – we use all the gloves, all the time.”
Once again going against the trend, Kevin shuns the trend of opting for board shorts–the unofficial uniform of the MMA fighter–and instead sticks with his tried and tested wrestling gear. “I prefer to wear tights when I train. I move fast, so a lot of the time, all that they can grab is a piece of my shorts so that they can pull me back, I hate that. I wear Under Armour gear. Even if you do grab it, it doesn’t give you an advantage because this shit stretches.”
Most fighters will tell you that their mouthpiece is a deeply valued and essential piece of kit. Randleman, however, is not your average fighter. “Oh hell, until four fucking weeks ago I didn’t even use mouthguards in practise, but I started taking punches to the face so I just bought one. Regular [boil and bite] mouthpieces that you get in the store work for me. I’m old school, Neanderthal. I’ll put toilet paper in my mouth!”
Food and supplements
“I take a lot of supplements. I train two or three times a day. If you are eating the same thing every day you are not getting all the nutrients that you need. I’ve done my homework on the things that I eat most of. I check what vitamins they contain and see what I’m lacking. Then I’ll go out and get the pills.”
Leg protection
Not a born Thai boxer, Kevin has no problems with shin clashes, but does look to protect his thighs, keeping intact his famous vertical leaping ability. “I use thigh pads, so they don’t kick me in my fucking thigh. I can take those shin kicks on my shin, but I can’t take them on my thigh, that shit hurts.”
Altitude tent
Not exactly something you can slip inside your kitbag but important equipment nonetheless, ‘The Monster’ has been investigating the benefits of altitude training in his own bedroom. “I sleep in an altitude tent,” he explained. “It’s the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen in my life. In seven weeks I can get in shape like I’ve trained for 12. Basically my bed is in a big clear plastic tent with a generator on the side to make your body think that you’re at 12,000 feet. That’s high! And I never get tired in practise.”