Issue 040
August 2008
This is YOUR page to tell us what you think of all things Fighters Only and MMA! What do you like? What don’t you like? Who do you want to see fight who? Send us your pics of you with fighters, and if you can slip a copy of FO into the pic, even better!
A drink with the boys?
I was lucky enough to bump into a bunch of the fighters in a hotel bar after UFC 85. Eddie Sanchez was sat at the bar looking pretty down, talking to his mate, when Hardonk walked over and they started talking about their fight. The guys were really cool, happy to pose for pics and just have a chat. As for UFC 85, the atmosphere was brilliant and the crowd went mental for Bisping. Hughes vs Thiago was a good fight and some of the upset wins helped to round off a good card – still can’t believe Wiman won!
Baber, via email
Any tips on training when I can’t get to a gym?
This was my first visit to your web page and it’s a really good, informative and well-presented page (just don’t know what took me so long, oh and got the advert from The Sun’s MMA page if you wanted to know). I have applied for the police and need to get back to total body fitness and after reading you training tips, I have been making every mistake there is (chest, shoulders one day, back, biceps and triceps the next; and I train at home, not a gym, as I have a garage).
I’ve checked for local clubs to train with but they are over 15 miles away (it doesn’t sound far but after my long shifts, it really is). Is there a basic home circuit you could recommend to me, or even start to publish in your magazine? As I now think you’re going to have a new subscription from me! Thanks in advance for any advice you can give and now I look forward to your magazine.
Jason Morris, via email
Jason, trying the workouts given each month by our resident experts Barry and Alex are a great place to start out. With the online magazine you can even get video demonstrations of the exercises, so sign up and we’re sure you’ll get in shape in no time. As Barry would say, you don’t need anything fancy – a back garden or football pitch is enough! As for finding a club, the best place to ask would be on the many online forums.
What do you think?
Hey guys, just wondering, as a new UFC game is due to come out IGN.com has come up with what they think should be the roster along with ratings. If you have a look at it, I would like to know your feedback on the subject.
Mike, via email
Video games are equally awesome and evil at the same time. Awesome because they rock, evil because they stop us from doing any work. So long as they’ve got the main guys in there, we’re happy. We saw a video online the other day that featured Chuck, Rampage and more - so that’s a good start.
From a sceptic about MMA
I purchased your magazine at Gatwick airport, as there were no boxing mags. I have been a bit sceptical about MMA but must say I was pleasantly surprised. I am also impressed by the way MMA markets itself, many sports could take a leaf out of MMA’s book. I wouldn’t say I’m a convert but am wavering. Well done for producing such a glossy, interesting and informative magazine.
Joe, via email