Issue 040

August 2008

Knees are one of the strongest weapons available to an MMA fighter. A versatile tool, knee strikes can be delivered to the head or body with great effect. Anderson Silva is famed for his knees from the traditional Thai clinch, but the versatility of MMA means that it is possible to attack with knees both standing and on the ground. Here are a few variations for you to try.   

Long-range knee

1) Joe (white shorts) throws a jab at Steve (black shorts).

2) He follows with a cross.

3) Without recovering the punch, he places the palm of his hand on Steve’s covering arms and switches his stance so that his left foot is now the back foot. The act of placing the hand on the opponent’s head is to confuse him. Steve will be unsure if Joe will follow with another punch, a kick or a takedown.

4) Joe switches hands so that his left hand is now acting as the decoy. Rather than throw it as a punch, he slaps it on the head with impact, but maintains contact after it lands.

5) With Steve’s defences occupied and his vision obstructed, Joe throws a long knee with the left leg to Steve’s body.  

Knees against the fence

1) Joe (white shorts) has Steve (black shorts) pressed against the fence. Joe has an underhook with his left arm, his head in the well of Steve’s neck and bicep control on the far arm.

2) Joe throws a short knee to the outside of the thigh. 3) The inside of the far leg is another target.

4) He can also deliver a round knee to the body. 

5) Switching his right arm, he controls the head and pulls it down…

6) …and throws a knee to the head.  

Knees against a kneeling opponent

1) Steve (black shorts) is on top of Joe (white shorts). He controls Joe with a front headlock and keeps his legs back so that Joe cannot reverse position.  

2) Outside of Japan it is generally illegal to knee the head of a downed opponent. Instead, Steve targets the top of the shoulder.  

3) Steve moves around Joe to the side. He keeps one arm pressing down on Joe’s head and brings his right knee back.  

4) Again, Steve targets the shoulder area.  

5) With both hands on Joe, Steve stands…

6) …and drops a heavy knee to the ribs. This is a very powerful attack that can finish a fight. In training it should be delivered with care.  
