Issue 037

May 2008

Dear Fighters Only

As a relatively new and UK based fan of MMA, most of my exposure to the sport predictably comes via Bravo, due to that predictably digital channel’s coverage

of major UFC events. The Cage Rage events shown on Sky Sports are another source for the UK fight fan, but the subscription is quite high when you consider the rare occasions an MMA event is screened.


Through reading your brilliant magazine (which has proved to be an excellent 

guide for the MMA ‘virgin’) I have been made aware of the other main players (WEC, IFL, etc). I am really keen to watch the big events staged by these and other MMA organisations, as well as getting my current (minimal) fix from Bravo and Sky. It would be really useful to me if your magazine featured a monthly guide of major upcoming events, and included an indication of those which UK fans can watch live and how they can do this (eg: digital TV, broadband internet, etc).

I’m sure that other fans would find a chart or list such as this handy, both as a general reference for the month ahead and as a guide to how to watch their favourite sport. I’m assuming (and hoping) that the big American and Japanese shows are screened online. If not, perhaps this

is something they should consider

doing.. Keep up the great work. I’ve

learned a lot from reading your magazine so far!


PS: I would be interested to know what the editorial team thinks of Kimbo Slice. Do you guys think he has skipped a few rungs on the ladder and been getting coverage over more skilled and worthy fighters because he was already famous for pounding (often inferior) opponents on YouTube? I guess his coaches are taking him seriously, but should we?

Shaun, Bristol

Shaun, first off, to address your request for a listing – this is a great idea in principle but our deadlines and the nature of TV scheduling (and the fact it changes all too regularly) means anything we were to print would simply not be up to date enough. It’s one of the few downsides to being an international publication, in that readers from the other side of the world would turn to channel 423 to likely find competitive knitting! You’re probably best checking online for that sort of thing. Secondly, we’ve been impressed by Kimbo to date, his skills seem to be improving with time and he is following a sensible career path. We definitely recommend taking him seriously, that is one guy you wouldn’t want to piss off! 

Dear Fighters Only

Awesome magazine first of all! As I don’t have access to Bravo at University your magazine keeps me up to date. I have been training in Muay Thai for almost two years now and I love it. However, after reading your magazine it has given me the desire to develop myself as a fighter and join an MMA club. 

Secondly, I just wanted to say that I strongly agree with the April issue in that I was once a huge pro wrestling fan and I think that is why I have warmed to MMA so quickly. This may also be the reason why I want Lesnar to do so well, which I think he has the potential to do. 

Keep up the good work guys! 

Stuart Craig, Perth

Dear Fighters Only

I’m writing in to say how much I enjoyed last month’s magazine. I’m a little ashamed to say it but I’m a former pro wrestling fan myself but had no idea that the two sports had such a close relationship. I especially liked the good, the bad, the ugly and the odd piece – Randleman and Coleman as a tag team? You learn something new everyday! It would’ve been good to see some words from Lesnar as he’s the reason that there’s such a storm around this topic right now, but overall it was a really good piece. 

When I first got my magazine I wasn’t sure on why marijuana was in an MMA magazine but after reading it I thought it was justified. From what I can see there seems to be confusion between what is ‘performance enhancing’ and providing an ‘unfair advantage’ both of which are obviously wrong. I would imagine that marijuana would perhaps increase your creativity but hinder your athleticism. I am fairly certain that by the assistance it would give you in dealing with the stress surrounding fighting that it would potentially give you an unfair advantage though. Anyway, keep up the good work. 

Georgio, Battersea
