Issue 051
June 2009
This is YOUR page to tell us what you think of all things Fighters Only and MMA! What do you like? What don’t you like? Who do you want to see fight who?
I really enjoyed the piece on Fedor Emelianenko. I agree with the essay on why he is probably the best heavyweight MMA fighter (lets face it, he is the best), but the least known. I love MMA, in particular UFC, but will also try and watch other MMA events on TV and the web and, even given that, it is quite hard for me to see much action on Fedor.
He is almost a mythical fighter for those other than the hardcore fans who will pay any amounts to see him. I have come to UFC / MMA fairly late and am a huge fan now to the extent that I took up kickboxing and jiu-jitsu in order to develop an understanding of the sport.
Fedor, throughout this time, has been an enigma to me. Regardless of how good he is he will never be truly acknowledged ‘til he steps up to the mark and does a bit of self promotion. To do it properly he needs to take a stand with Affliction and sell himself, or he needs to go to UFC (who have the fan base and contacts worldwide to do it for him). My thoughts are if he doesn’t go to UFC he will always be regarded as a great champion but only in whispers of the MMA circle, because the general public don’t really know who he is. I would love to see him fight the best in the best production. I hope it happens soon.
Pat, via email
Cool ‘Ice Man’
Hey guys I love the magazine. I live in the US and picked up the second US issue. I haven’t really been all that into MMA and UFC until about a month ago when I started really taking notice of it. I must say that your magazine breaks down everything to a point that I can follow it and feel like I have been following UFC for years. I really enjoyed the nutrition section and the article about the ‘Cool Ice Man’. Keep up the good work and I love the mag.
Ian Pigg, via email
Fighting the Good Fight
Hi there! I just wanted to say I enjoyed (but also appreciated) your article “Fighting the Good Fight”. It was nice to see a publication do a positive story on Christianity in any way! I don’t think any athlete or person should be treated or looked upon differently because of their beliefs, no matter what they are. Thanks for having some balls! God Bless.
Ryan, via email
Love ya Charlotte!
Digging the articles this month and thanks for Charlotte being in there, ha ha. Love ya Charlotte, you Brits do some things very well, look forward to the next issue.
Peter Croft, via Fighters Only Facebook group
Sarah rocks!
The greatest magazine in the world! Fantastic articles! I read it cover to cover every issue. Thanks for not ignoring female MMA fighters, they are an inspiration to all of us, with their tremendous courage and determination equal to that of the guys, and overcoming obstacles like difficulties getting fights and promotions that male fighters do not have to face.
Please can we have a feature on Sarah Kaufman, she rocks! She is one of the best examples of a young female fighter on a great warpath, making headway in today’s male-dominated MMA climate. Shame on Dana White! The fight school she belongs to is Zugec Ultimate Martial Arts (www.zuma.tv) in Victoria, Canada.
Andy Davis, via email
Hey Fighters Only
I was in a local 7-11 the other day, and happened to pick up a copy of your first US Issue, and I was really impressed. The US is really lacking a good MMA magazine. Usually, Health and Fitness or Men’s Health will have an article or two, but a whole magazine dedicated to MMA is a great idea and long overdue. In particular I found several articles interesting and helpful, including the Technique Clinic, the Ask the Expert Q&A, the ‘Survival of the Fittest’ article and of course, the section on Samantha Parkhurst!
I just returned from a one-month trip to Thailand where I trained at a Muay Thai and MMA training camp in Phuket, called Tiger Muay Thai. I posted a review of the camp on my personal blog www.dansmuaythaimma.com I am currently back in the US training and saving up money to eventually travel back to Thailand and workout at and review several other camps. I also plan on visiting some of the top schools / camps in the US and writing up reviews on them.
I look forward to continuing to read your excellent publication. Keep up the great work.
Dan, via email
Whilst on holiday in Las Vegas, and being huge MMA fans, my wife and I decided to make time to visit Wanderlei Silva’s gym. Not only was he there but we got to meet my wife’s favorite fighter, Mr Forrest Griffin, too! They were so nice and loved the magazine.
Vegas was awesome and we can’t wait to go back!
Keep up the good work.
Baz and Foo, via email