Issue 052
July 2009
Tell us what you think of all things Fighters Only and MMA! What do you like? What don’t you like? Who do you want to see fight who?
I have just read the article ‘Great Expectations’. I just want to say that I think expectations are too high in MMA, especially in the UFC. Obviously we expect amazing fights on the main card, but that isn’t always the case due to tactics being implemented, but isn’t that a good thing? What is a great expectation? A quick knockout? A Griffin vs Bonner type brawl?
I believe all MMA fights are a great expectation, the skill of keeping away from your opponent’s striking and countering their attacks. Basically what I’m getting at is, the people that complain about any fight are usually the people that know very little about MMA, they like to see a knockout and don’t understand the whole MMA game, they don’t understand how much fitness-work MMA fighters put in, how often they train, the things they put on the backburner for training such as family and friends – these fighters are more dedicated than any professional sportsman so lets keep off their backs!
I have trained MMA for two years now, I have also had the pleasure of training with Ian Freeman and Wanderlei Silva and you can tell all of these guys put everything into this sport, and good on them. This is the sport of the future, let’s not let the fickle fans spoil it.
Paul Wells, via email
Hey guys, just want to say I am loving the work you guys do with the magazine. The feature articles are excellent. I really like the way you talk about things fans can understand and not just the fighters or people who train in MMA. I’m not ready to start training just yet but I like reading the training advice and I try some of the fitness stuff out in the gym. Maybe you could do something about getting into the sport for the first time? I don’t really know what to expect from an MMA gym so it would be good to find out before I go.
Jake, via email
So then Fighters Only, I got a question for you. Where have you guys been hiding all this time? I checked your website and it looks like the Brits have been getting you for a lot longer than us. I guess there are a few cool things to come out of your island! Seriously though, respect to you guys for a great read. I’ve been watching TUF 9 and the UK team have impressed me man. Maybe if our guys read a magazine like FO we’d have won that show instead! Ha ha! Oh and a request for you guys. I love reading interviews with the big name fighters but can you do something where you tell us about the latest up-and-comers or something? I want to know all about the guys who are breaking into the big time so I know who to back when I’m making my bets!
Patrick, via email
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Time for a change?
I, for one, love Liddell. But is it time for him to retire? The days of looking for the big knockout punch and nothing else are gone. The sport is moving on but Chuck isn’t. If he changed his whole training camp, stopped the partying and moved with the sport I think he still has what it takes, but not the way he is at the moment. Maybe join up with Couture’s camp, that may sort his head out and give him a new love for the sport, training with up-and-coming talent who could beat him will keep him hungry for that light heavyweight belt.
Posted by rjsmith975

When on a recent trip in Las Vegas I bumped into not one but two UFC fighters - the UFC Hall of Famer and MMA legend Mark Coleman and grappling legend Dean Lister! Both were really cool guys who were kind enough to pose for a photo. Being a huge fan of the sport, this topped off an already amazing holiday. Thank you to both Mr Coleman and Mr Lister and thank you to Fighters Only for a great magazine.
Jonathan Mee via email