Issue 036

April 2008


This month’s winning technique comes from the playbook of UFC hall of famer Randy Couture. In his bout with Tim Sylvia,

Couture used the precise level changing learned in Greco-Roman wrestling, coupled with head movement from boxing, to close the distance effectively.

1) Pete throws his jab, anticipating that Bryan will counter with a jab of his own.

2) When the jab comes Pete slips right and lowers his elevation.

3) Pete shoots in with a centre penetration step and attempts to capture Bryan’s lead leg.

4) Bryan tries to defend the takedown by stepping back.

5) Pete rolls to the left, taking care to level change from the legs, not duck at the waist....

6) …and throws his left hook behind Bryan’s guard.

7) Pete steps his trail leg to the lead, behind Bryan’s lead leg, and captures the leg and hip.

8) Pete drives laterally and lifts the leg....

9) …and fi nishes the takedown by hugging Bryan’s legs together and pinning his shoulders to the mat.
