Issue 025
May 2007
1 portion fresh pasta
6 to 10 raw fresh prawns, shell on or off
1 fresh pepper– cut abstract
Handful of frozen peas – defrosted
Handful of sweetcorn – drained
Handful of broccoli – cut small
5gm fresh root ginger – minced
1 clove fresh garlic – minced
Tablespoon sesame oil
Take a hot wok or large frying pan, coat the bottom with olive oil and sauté the peppers. After a minute add the broccoli, sauté this for one to two minutes, now remove from the pan and set aside. In a pan of simmering salted water cook the fresh pasta for 1 minute, then drain – at the same time add more oil to the wok, make this hot and sauté the prawns, season well with fresh salt and pepper and after a minute add the garlic and ginger. Throw in the drained peas and sweetcorn, warm these through and add the vegetables back to the pan with the drained pasta. Add the sesame oil and mix in, check the seasoning and serve.
Extra Notes
You can use frozen prawns if you cant get fresh, just defrost them in the fridge before using, don’t run these under water as they deplete in flavour.
If you want to change the vegetables, this is fine. The important thing to remember is not to overcook the prawns and vegetables (so you retain as much vitamins and minerals as possible). You can use dried pasta, but you should put this on to cook the same time as you start to sauté the vegetables.