Issue 021

November -0001

The overhook, sometimes know as a whizzer, is a standard wrestling technique common to both freestyle and Greco-Roman styles. A, overhook is where you wrap over your opponents arm up with your own to trap it and control him. It may be used as a counter for the underhook or as a technique in its own right. When used aggressively with strong hip movement, it is often referred to as the whizzer. 

The whizzer is a tool that is commonly used when grappling in MMA, and Randy Couture has picked up on a number of fighters who favour the whizzer in his recent stint as a commentator for the UFC. Here we demonstrate a number of options available from the whizzer both standing and on the ground. 

Tech 1 – Whizzer to front headlock

1.    Ian (left) has the whizzer on Martyn’s right arm with wrist control on the left 
2.    He turns and steps his left leg in between Martyn’s legs and drives down with his left shoulder, breaking Martyn’s balance
3.    He postures up and immediately turns back to face Martyn, still keeping the whizzer…

4.    …and wrapping up Martyn’s head
5.    He lets go of the whizzered arm and passes it across to take a front headlock
6.    He finishes by snapping Martyn down to his knees. 

Tech 2 – Whizzer to Fireman’s carry throw

1.    Ian (left) has the whizzer on Martyn’s right arm with wrist control on the left 
2.    He jumps in low and to his knees, firing his right arm up between Martyn’s legs
3.    Reverse angle: Here you see how Ian retains control of the arm he had whizzered to begin with

4.    Ian dips his left shoulder, pulling with his arm and lifting with the other
5.    He drops Martyn off his shoulders and brings his head out
6.    Finishing position – from here Ian can lock in side control

Tech 3 – Counter to leg throw off the whizzer

1.    Martyn has a sloppy overhook on Brendan and no wrist control on the far arm
2.    He steps his leg in to try and start a throw
3.    Brendan begins the counter by dropping his hips and putting them forward, stopping Martyn’s leg
4.    He takes a body lock and drops his hips further…

5.    …and lifts Martyn high
6.    Using his head he drives to his right before Martyn touches the mat…
7.    …and lands in a strong control position

Tech 4 – Triangle choke from overhook

1.    Martyn has closed guard and overhooks one of Brendan’s arms
2.    He begins by taking his hips out to the side
3.    Reverse angle: Here you can see the position of Martyn’s leg. It is important he pushes with his leg and creates pressure with his shin on Brendan’s thigh

4.    Martyn bases up on his free arm, still keeping a tight overhook on Brendan
5.    Using the posted arm as base and driving in with his right leg, Martyn lifts his hips up and out and is now almost side on to Brendan. 
6.    Here he could stand straight up, but instead begins to insert his left leg back in

7.    He throws his leg over Brendan’s free arm…
8.    …continuing to throw it around until he is ready to attack with a triangle
9.    He closes his legs and finishes the choke. 

Tech 5 – Throw from the whizzer

1.    Martyn has an underhook on Brendan. Brendan responds by whizzering the arm. 
2.    He takes wrist control on the farm arm and blocks Martyn from centring by using his head as a block
3.    He quickly steps his back leg up and fires his right leg up between Martyn’s legs

4.    By driving forward with the whizzer, pulling on the arm and lifting with the leg Brendan totally unbalances Martyn
5.    He continues to circle to his left until Martyn falls…
6.    …finishing in a strong control position. 
