Issue 099

March 2013

The TUF 13 finalist shares his love of mixed nuts and why it’s smart to wear sweaters when living in Utah


16oz RevGear BOXING Gloves

“I really like these gloves because they’re really comfortable and good for sparring with.” 


RevGear Shin Guards

“These protect my shins and my feet really well. Other ones tended to slip off my feet, but these stay on and are really protective when I’m throwing hard kicks.” 


Dethrone Sweater

“It’s really cold out here in Utah. There’s plenty of snow on the ground so you have to be ready for the cold, you know. I wear my Dethrone sweater because it’s nice and thick and keeps me warm, especially during the winter.” 


HOMEMADE Green Smoothie

“I don’t usually use protein shakes and stuff like that. I tend to make a green smoothie that has kale and fruit in it. That’s filled with enough healthy stuff in it itself. I don’t really take any supplements besides from fish oil.” 


Custom MouthGUARD

“I got a mouthpiece that was made for me that fits absolutely perfectly. Well, it used to be perfect, before I got all my teeth knocked in (laughs).”


Asics Wrestling Shoes

“A lot of wrestling shoes don’t last longer than a couple of months, whereas these have lasted me since college. I’ve been wearing Asics since I was a little kid, so it’s something I’m just comfortable in.” 


Grocery Bag

“It looks ridiculous, but I bring my stuff in a grocery bag because it’s open ended so it’s really easy to use. Also, plenty of air gets into it so my clothes get a chance to breathe once I’ve taken them off after a training session.” 


RevGear Head guard

“Some headgear can be really uncomfortable, but this Revgear one fits me perfectly. Plus, I’d rather get all sweaty and feel weird with this thing on my head than get a concussion.” 


?Mixed Nuts

“I’ve got a nutritionist and he told me they were great for right after a workout. I throw a handful of those into my mouth before and after training.” 
