Issue 019

November -0001

Double leg takedown against the cage

1 Andy and Alexis square off
2 Alexis throws a left hook and switches stance
3 Switching levels, Alexis takes control of Andy's body

4 Reverse angle
5 Alexis drives andy into the cage
6 ... and scoops his legs away for the takedown

Single leg takedown against the cage

1 Alexis throws a right hand...
2 ... and shoots in for a single leg takedown
3 Andy is forced back to the cage
4 Andy holds the cage to prevent the takedown

5 Alexis cracks Andy with a left hook
6 With Andy hurt, Alexis again works for the takedown...
7 ... and puts him on the floor

Reversing position against the cage

1. Alexis has his back against the cage and a useful right overhook
2. Taking control of Andy's left arm, Alexis twists Andy around...
3 ... and presses his back against the cage

4 Alexis makes some distance using his head...
5 ...and pushes off with his left hand
6 After making space, he fires a right hand at Andy

Striking combination against the cage

1. Alexis and Andy are in the over/under clinch
2. Alexis controls Andy's hip with his left arm
3. Alexis takes a strong position using his head..
4. ... and forces Andy back into the cage

5. Pushing off with his left hand...
6. ... Alexis makes room to throw a right hand
7. He follows with a left hook
8. ... before landing a hard right knee to finish
