Issue 001

November -0001

As a fighter, shoulder workouts are used to create that power punch. Although there are more muscles used in a power punch, the shoulders do the greater workload. Each exercise consists of three sets of ten reps. A set is how many times you perform each exercise. A rep is how many repetitions you perform on each exercise. For example, three sets of ten reps. Make sure you use a weight light enough that you can squeeze out ten reps.


Seated Shoulder Press

1 Beginning Sit with your feet shoulder width apart. Put your back against the back rest, holding on to handles.
2 Mid Point Push handles upward in a controlled movement.
3 Finish Extend your arms then lower in a controlled movement to the first position. Repeat.


Side Lateral Raises (Side Deltoids)

1 Beginning Stand with feet together with knees slightly bent. Hold dumbells two to three inches over front of thighs. Make sure elbows are bent slightly.
2 Mid Point Raise dumbells out to side, keeping elbows locked and bent.
3 Finish Only raise to parallel position. Lower in a controlled movement to beginning. Repeat.


Bent over cabel laterals

1 Beginning Stand feet apart, bend knees and lean forward. Pull cable out to the side.
2 Mid Point Without swinging or leaning up, keep elbow bent and locked.
3 Finish Do not let arm go past parallel. Lower in a controlled movement to beginning. Repeat.


Front barbell lateral raises (Front Deltoids)

1 Beginning Hold barbell shoulder width apart, elbows slightly bent.
2 Mid Point Raise barbell with arms out in front.
3 Finish Do not let arm go past parallel. Lower in a controlled movement to beginning. Repeat.
