Issue 001
Jimmy Pedro is one of the most accomplished judo coaches in the world. His former students include MMA stars Ronda Rousey and Rick Hawn. With the help of former US National judo champion Bobby Lee, the US Olympic team head coach presents the best judo moves for mixed martial arts.
Skill: O Goshi (Major Hip Throw)
1: Jimmy starts off by grabbing Bobby’s left sleeve. He controls it, as it will eventually be key to helping him get his opponent off balance.
2: Jimmy then gets a deep grip around the back of Bobby as he prepares to attack the throw.
3: Jimmy pulls Bobby’s left sleeve up and toward himself so Bobby is completely off balance.
4: Jimmy then steps both of his feet inside Bobby’s legs, left foot first.
5: Turning his body 180 degrees and making sure his back stays straight, Jimmy then drives his back into Bobby’s mid-section with his hips low and knees bent.
6: Jimmy completes the throw by driving up with his legs, bending at the waist, using his hips to elevate Bobby over and onto the mat.