Issue 162
December 2017
Make life uncomfortable with this hip crush takedown
Wrestling techniques from the coach of more than a dozen MMA champions, Kenny Johnson – with UFC bantamweight Pedro Munhoz.
1 - Kenny locks his left forearm in the crux of Pedro's left hip with his left palm facing up and right leg between Pedro's legs.
2 - Squeezing tight, Kenny rolls his left forearm into Pedro’s hip as he lifts his opposite elbow and drops his level.
3 - Kenny continues to apply pressure on an angle, which causes Pedro’s knee, ankle and hip to buckle so he drops to the mat. Kenny keeps hold of
4 - Pedro as he drags him to the mat, where he immediately takes his back.
Go for this lock when you can’t grab your opponent’s wrist from behind.
Take your grip a little off-center towards your opponent’s left hip to make the squeeze as tight as possible.
The key is the pressure with your left forearm. It will cause them to put their weight on their hip, knee and ankle and force them down.