Issue 178

May 2019


Former UFC Lightweight

Age: 32

Record: 17-9-0

You left your gloves in the Octagon after your win over Te Edwards at UFC Brooklyn. What stands out to you about the fight itself and the announcement afterward?

Going out on top was the goal. It’s what we were going for. In terms of retiring, if I had knocked him out in the first round or submitted him the first round and didn’t take any damage I don’t think I would be retiring right now. He fucking uppercutted me and dropped me. I got up and he was looking at me with this look on his face like he wanted to kill me. I thought to myself ‘Do you really want to do this right now? I really don’t feel like doing this.’ Then I grabbed his leg and took him down and finished the fight. The fact that I had that moment where I didn’t want to do that right now, it’s happened to me in multiple fights where I was knocked down and the guy looked like he wanted to kill me. It’s not a great feeling. I just don’t want to do that anymore.

You said you had that same feeling before. How did you know this was the thought that changed it all permanently?

I had to go out with a win, dude. I’m not a fucking loser.

You said that you almost retired in the midst of that tough four-fight losing streak. How close did you actually come to hanging it up?

I told myself before the Rick Glenn fight that if I lost to that bum I was going to retire. After the third round I thought I won. Ryan LaFlare came into the Octagon and told me I put it all out there, I emptied the tank, I put in the effort and that I won. After the decision was read and they said I lost, I looked at them and I was like, ‘That’s it, man. I am hanging them up. I’m done with this. This is bullshit.’ I’m not having one guy on a particular night take 50 grandma out of my pocket. I worked too hard for that. I sacrificed too much for that.

Are you willing to elaborate on what you were going through at the time?

It was women troubles. You just have to figure it out. Do you know the Hot/ Crazy Matrix? You have never seen that on YouTube? Look up the Hot Crazy Matrix for women on YouTube. Check it out. In all honesty, I was in a serious relationship for a long time. We are broken up now. We talk a little bit now, so it’s better but…whatever. Long story short, I was going kind of crazy and I knew I needed to fight again. That is the only thing that will help me focus on something other than what’s going on in my life. When I am getting ready for a fight everything else stops. If my house is dirty because I am more focused on training, getting stronger and my nutrition, everything towards the fight. If my house being dirty helps me win the fight because I have to do less and use less energy, then my house will be dirty. I don’t want people to get the wrong idea. I’m not a dirty person.

What has the response been from the MMA community since you made the announcement?

It’s been nothing but love. It’s been pretty awesome. I haven’t been able to go through all of my instant message and everything. I have read a lot of it, though. The first few days I put in eight hour work days reading messages from people.

What is the latest on your uncle’s battle with cancer?

He is in the same ballpark as he was at fight time. With proper diet and nutrition and doing the right things he can fight and come out of it on top.

When the Bermudez Boys are down and out they come back and get it done, right?

I was down four losses and I could have hung it up and ended like that. I told myself I can win and that I’m not a loser. I am one of the best guys in the UFC. Let’s go to a different weight class and prove I can do it there. It was just about ending on top, man.

Looking back now, what was the fight that got away?

I wanted Max Holloway to chase his L against me for a title. I wanted him to put his title on the line and chase the L against me.

Who inspired you the most over the years?

My dad. (Laughs) When I first started fighting my dad came out to my first pro fight and a few after that. One day, I was just hanging out after a day of training and he called me. He said “Son, I just got done watching the UFC. You are good and all, but these guys, these guys are killers.” I was like, wait, you called me to tell me that? Fuck you, dude. I didn’t say that to him because I was still afraid of him but I thought it. And then I get to the UFC and I get this winning streak going and guess who is all about Team Dennis? Yeah, fuck you, dude. He’s on the bandwagon now. (Laughs).
