Issue 145
September 2016
Trap your opponent in a twister when they try to get away from your back control
Vinny Magalhaes, four-time world BJJ champion and 205lb fighter reveals his best submissions in the gi with Scott Kaplan.
1 - Vinny has control of Scott’s back with a seatbelt and both hooks in.
2 - Scott rolls to his side in an attempt to escape.
3 - Continuing his escape, Scott manages to clear his right leg.
4 - To adjust, Vinny brings his left foot beneath Scott’s right knee.
5 - Vinny threads his right foot underneath Scott’s left shin and gets a lockdown on Scott’s left leg.
6 - Vinny pulls Scott’s arm up into the air to give himself space to maneuver.
7 - Keeping Scott’s arm elevated, Vinny swims his left arm under Scott’s right.
8 - Vinny hooks Scott’s head with his left arm and keeps his weight on Scott’s right arm to expose his neck.
9 - To submit, Vinny clasps his hands together, arches his back and pulls Scott’s head towards him.
This technique is harder to escape in the gi because the pants provide friction on the leg.
You must stop your opponent getting their back to the mat when they fall to their side (step 2) so they can’t roll into top position.
Keep your legs straight to apply maximum pressure and keep control with the lockdown (step 5).
Angela Lee caught Natalie Gonzales Hills in the twister at One Championship 33.