Issue 164

February 2018

Ever since MMA started to take off, the kettlebell has become essential in athletic conditioning. With one simple and versatile tool, you can:

  • Work your entire body
  • Strengthen your grip
  • Build explosive power
  • Develop cardio and endurance
  • Test your heart and willpower

The single-arm moves in this routine add an extra dimension because each one makes a contra-lateral motion, which activates the transverse plane and the core with natural rotational force. That’s key to prepare your body for the stresses of movements that are part of MMA. Athletes can’t always rely being on both feet, so their bodies need the strength and power to react when their balance is compromised. This will help develop your capacity to do that.

Kevin Kearns, Boston’s S&C guru has helped 15 fighters prepare for the Octagon, his workout will test you to the limit.


  • Warm up for at least five minutes and cool down for the same length of time.
  • Do each exercise for one minute, for a five-minute round.
  • You can adjust your time based on your skill level.
  • Each full circuit of exercises equals one five-minute round.
  • Repeat for five championship rounds.
  • Use a weight where you can keep good form. It may seem light, but 35lb for men and 18lb for women is a good place to start.


1. Double-arm swings

  • Start with a kettlebell in each hand between your legs, keeping your back straight. Drive through with your hips to swing the weights straight out to shoulder height as you straighten your legs, then let them swing back and repeat.
  • This is great for explosiveness in the posterior chain. With two weights, you may realise how dominant one side of your body is. This helps balance out that disparity.

2. Snatch

  • Hold a kettlebell in one hand between your legs, bend your knees and keep your back straight. In one motion, similar to pulling the cable in a lawnmower, launch the weight up your body and straighten your arm in the air into a locked-out position. Repeat on the other side.
  • One of my go-to exercises. It works the entire body, it’s explosive in nature and great for grip power

3. Step-ups

  • Place one foot on a box at least 12" high and hold the kettlebell in a shoulder-carry position. Step up with one foot and push off to lift the other foot up. Return to the earth and repeat on the other leg.
  • This will really test your leg strength. Carrying the weight at shoulder height will also have you working a lot harder than if it was by your side.

4. Farmer’s carry

  • Grab a kettlebell in each hand and hold them by your sides. With your shoulders back and head up, walk forward. For a full body workout, this is one of the best exercises around.
  • Without a doubt one of the toughest and most mentally challenging exercises. You’ll work every muscle in your body and challenge your grip strength.

5. Single-arm swing

  • Similar to as the first drill we did, this adds a contralateral dimension to the drill. Do it in the same way, just holding the kettlebell in one hand.
