Issue 161
December 2017
A quick counter to a push-kick counter
Rafael Cordeiro, head coach at Kings MMA in Huntington Beach, California, teaches you masterful Muay Thai with Fernando Bettega.
1 - Rafael throws a right leg kick but without setting it up, Fernando is easily able to read it and block it.
2 - If a kick is blocked, Rafael can expect a counter, and Fernando replies with a rear-leg push kick.
3 - Rafael takes a step back and catches the kick by reaching across with and taking an underhand grip with his left hand.
4 - Rafael opens Fernando’s body by moving his foot to the side, then launches a push kick into his face.
Always reset into a strong stance after throwing any kick, so you don’t get caught off-balance.
Keep your right hand tucked to your chin in case your opponent tries to counter with a left hook.
You can keep a hold of your opponent’s foot or sweep it away to the side – as long you disrupt their stance.