Issue 154
May 2017
A blow-by-blow account of a thrilling slugfest between Cub Swanson vs. Doo Ho Choi.
“Stop standing still! He’s countering really well but you have to keep active.” - Choi’s corner
0:20: After some quick opening exchanges, Choi lands knees to Swanson’s head from a front headlock.
1:20: Cub pushes forward with a range-finding jab before landing a clean overhand right
1:36: Hooks are traded, with Swanson’s right landing best
1:51: Cub narrowly misses with a huge uppercut, left high kick, and spinning wheel kick
1:58: Swanson works up close, driving in uppercuts
2:00: As they separate it’s Choi firing, landing a long right hand
2:26: Choi pushes forward and lands a right hook and uppercut
3:34: After some dirty boxing against the fence, Choi drops Cub to his knees with a trip
3:41:Swanson fires back, landing a cutting left hook before just missing with a left high kick
3:50: Choi snaps Swanson’s head back with a rapid jab
4:10: Choi lands a.straight right to the body and left hook to the chin
“Listen, you have to move your head. Let go of your hands and move your head.” - Swanson’s corner
0:04: Choi unloads a two-punch combination, but Swanson’s right hook lands best.
0:33: Swanson lands two right hands and a knee to the body in the clinch.
0:58: Choi lands a three-punch combo.
1:02: Cub lands an inside left kick and a right hand that wobbles the Korean.
1:09: Under a barrage, Choi drops momentarily as ‘Killer’ tees off.
1:20:Cub gets stopped in his tracks by a huge right hand.
1:29: Haymakers are exchanged.
1:34: Choi tees off with hooks to the head and body.
2:00: The American takes Choi down and lands a big right elbow after a scramble.
3:01: Cub’s left uppercut is countered by a Choi right hand.
3:12: Choi’s left hook is countered by a two-punch combo to the jaw
3:19: Swanson lands a cartwheel kick then throws a blind jab.
3:38: Swanson’s cracking right is answered with a looping left from Choi.
3:46: Choi’s jab lands again – followed by a straight right.
4:10: Cub lands a kick to the body and hurts ‘The Korean Superboy’ with a right hand
4:51: Cub lands another right hand before a knee from Choi lands to the body and stiffens Cub’s legs.
“That’s our fight mother**kers!” Greg Jackson
0:08: Cub’s right hand and elbow land on Choi’s chin
0:21: Following a one-two combo, Choi lands a head rocking right hand
0:44: Cub pays for a lazy takedown attempt by swallowing a huge right hand
0:56: Swanson clinches, but is hit with a knee to the body
1:01: ‘The Korean Superboy’ lands a left hook and uppercut
1:09: Choi attempts to take the back from a takedown, but Cub scrambles on top
1:49: Swanson is forced to move after Choi attacks with elbows from guard
2:08: Choi picks Cub’s ankle from his back to escape to his.feet
2:11: Swanson unloads lefts and rights and Choi folds against the fence
2:27: Cub hip tosses Choi to his back
2:58: Choi’s left uppercut is countered with a right hand to the body
3:24: Hooks are exchanged in the center of the Octagon
4:26: Cub lands a big right uppercut, Choi counters with a long right hand
4:38: A ‘Killer’ left hook and massive right hand land
4:41: Swanson drives forward with a Superman punch and unloads on Choi against the fence
4:49: Cub again tries a cartwheel kick as Choi struggles to find his feet
4:51: Swanson lands another spinning elbow and Choi falls
4:53: Cub attacks but Choi ties him up until the final.hooter
ROUND 1: 29-28
ROUND 2: 30-27
ROUND 3: 30-27