Issue 155
June 2017
Disguise your attack so knees in the clinch are a cinch.
1 - Fernando throws a jab from orthodox stance.
2 - He follows with a right cross and keeps his arm extended.
3 - Using his left hand to establish a strong clinch, Fernando pulls Rafael’s head down and throws a right knee.
4 - With Rafael covering up, he then pulls his right leg back to make it look like he’s readying another knee.
5 - Fernando fakes the strike, bringing his knee up just far enough to fool Rafael and he can switch his feet.
6 - As Rafael tries to block the second attack, Fernando throws his left knee instead.
Top Tips
- Pull down on your opponent’s head to make the strike easier and more powerful.
- Just because your punches are to set up the clinch, don’t get lazy and make them easy to counter.
- You can also mix up your knees to the body if your opponent leaves theirs exposed.