Issue 149
December 2016
Jimmy Pedro Jr, US Olympic coach and 6th degree black belt shows you, with Aaron judo techniques such as how to use the kosoto gari to get a takedown you’re opponent will really feel.
1: Jimmy grabs Riley’s wrist with his right hand and grips his back with his left hand.
2: Stepping forward with his left leg, Jimmy hooks Riley’s heel with his left foot.
3: Jimmy takes an underhook with his right arm and pulls Riley’s gi tight with his left hand.
4: By stepping back with his right foot, Jimmy gets the angle he needs to throw Riley.
5: Jimmy reaps Riley’s right leg and commits to the throw to take him off his feet.
6: To finish in top position, Jimmy rotates towards Riley’s chest while throwing him.
Learn to break your fall by slapping the mat with your forearm to reduce impact when drilling throws.
It can be difficult at times to throw your opponent forwards with your hips, so mix it up by attacking the body.
This throw can be adapted to use without the gi by clasping your hands behind your opponent’s back.