Issue 209

September 2024

In a sport where highlight-reel moments can define careers, Joaquin Buckley’s jaw-dropping knockout of Impa Kasanganay stands as one of the most unforgettable in recent memory. Taking place on UFC Fight Island in Abu Dhabi, this wasn’t just another knockout. Instead, it was a moment ripped straight out of a video game boss fighter where you spam all the controller buttons at once to unlock a secret finishing move. 

As the two middleweights squared off in the center of the Octagon, Buckley, in his southpaw stance, launched a left kick aimed at Kasanganay’s shoulder. Kasanganay, ever the tactician, caught the kick, ready to neutralize Buckley’s offensive move. What followed was a split-second decision that would etch Buckley’s name into UFC folklore. Instead of resetting, Buckley pivoted on his grounded foot, sprung into the air, and spun his right leg towards Kasanganay’s head, landing a flush knockout kick to his face.

The impact was as shocking as it was instantaneous. Kasanganay remained upright for a brief moment before toppling backward like a felled tree, unconscious before he hit the canvas. The crowd, both live and at home, could barely process what they had witnessed. The delayed reaction to the impact, the sheer athleticism, and the technique made it seem as if time itself had slowed down.

Dubbed ‘The Kick Heard Around the World,’ Buckley’s incredible spinning back kick earned him Knockout of the Year honors, and he quickly became a front-runner for Knockout of the Decade. The kick was more than just a highlight; it was a reminder that, in MMA, anything can happen, even the impossible. Techniques like this may not be part of the everyday arsenal of UFC fighters, but when they land, they leave an indelible mark on the sport.

Date: October 11, 2020

Location: UFC Fight Night 5, Flash Forum, Abu Dhabi, UAE
