Issue 132
September 2015
From October, USADA’s new UFC-based drug-testing policy is also likely to include
a ban on intravenous (IV) rehydration after weigh-ins. We ask a divided Planet MMA...
Mike Dolce, sports nutritionist and MMA trainer
The rules of MMA are governed by the athletic commissions, not USADA. But if the use of intravenous fluids are banned it will be the worst possible day in MMA, because you will see a lot of very serious brain injuries as a result of that. Someone could die if they were to receive a serious head injury in even a mildly dehydrated state. The athletes already put their health at risk with the current rule system. I don’t think people involved in the sport will actually allow that for a combat sport like mixed martial arts. It makes no sense. I mean, let the USADA officials stand there and watch every athlete on a drip, that’s fine. I know they’re trying to get rid of drugs, which is awesome. But, you can’t risk the health of the athlete. It’s just so close-minded. It’s dangerous.
George Lockhart, TUF fighter turned weight-cut guru
Banning IVs won’t affect how I cut any of my athletes, it will only affect how I reload them. An IV, like a protein bar, is convenient but not necessarily the best way to replace lost fluids and minerals. So banning IVs isn’t going to lead to a spate of serious injuries in MMA. That’s extremely far-fetched. Athletes currently using IVs will have to learn to reload orally correctly, but I don’t believe the sport is going to be rocked substantially and I don’t envisage dozens of fighters suddenly changing weight class either. It’s simply a case of fighters needing to become more educated. I would cut from 206lb to 171lb the week of the cut and I never used an IV. I’m not saying that’s the way it should be done, but the point I’m trying to make is a substantial cut can be completed safely without one.
What you had to say on the matter...
NO “@FightersOnly I don’t know first hand but, it would force fighters not to cut so much weight. Fight at your natural weight as its meant to be.”
YES “@FightersOnly dangerous idea. If it’s purely to trace plasticizers. What’s next; ban drink pouches? If no PEDs found let them hydrate safely.”
YES “@FightersOnly It’s going to be dangerous for fighters that have to cut a lot of weight and it’s going to make fighters change weight classes.”
NO “@FightersOnly it has been long known that all martial arts need to change weigh-in processes. Fix that, no need for IVs. Wrestling too!”