Issue 135

December 2015

Make your opponent eat dirt with a harai goshi throw, then finish them with an armbar

Jimmy Pedro Jr with Aaron Kunihiro

US Olympic judo coach and 6th degree black belt. His former students include Ronda Rousey

1 - Aaron grabs Jimmy’s lapel with his right hand to launch an attack against him. 

2 - Jimmy brings his left arm inside and looks to wrap it around Aaron’s shoulder. Jimmy also grabs Aaron’s lapel with his right hand

3 - Jimmy now has an overhook and has passed Aaron’s lapel to his left hand to tighten his grip.

4 - To open up the body, Jimmy grabs Aaron’s sleeve with his right hands and pulls his arms up.

5 - With firm control, Jimmy steps in and brings his hips in line with Aaron’s. 

6 - Jimmy reaps Aaron’s knee while he pulls with his hands and turns his hips to initiate the throw.

7 - As Aaron lands, Jimmy keeps control of his left arm and moves his shin onto Aaron’s ribs.

8 - Jimmy falls to his back, with his right leg over Aaron’s face. He pinches his knees and raises his hips to finish the armbar.



Be sure to point your opponent’s thumb up when you apply the armbar for maximum torque.


You must pinch your knees to trap your opponent’s arm as you crank the submission.


For MMA, when you don’t have a lapel to grab, simply utilize a overhook on your opponent’s arm.
